Sorry To Here This ...i Love To Bring My Car To Tators And One Of My Favorite Parts Of That Is When Rob Takes It For A Test Drive. I Have A Video Of Me Telling Him To Get On It And Make Sure It's Running 110% . I Hope It Works Out For You. You Deserve A1+ Treatment .
I have EBC yellows with EBC slotted rotors recommended by John B . Toms 40mm rears. GTS gen II. A BIG DIFF OVER STOCK .. They squeak, EBC says it should stop after 1500 miles and also reach their full stopping potential . The harder you stop the less they squeak . No more dust than stock...
We had a great day. I can't wait to see the pic's they will say it all .:2tu: Thanks Adrian for all your effort.:usa: NY NJ CT:usa: TONS OF FUN :headbang:
Randomtech 3" Cat Back Exhaust from JON B B&B X PIPE + CORSA 4'' TIPS = LOUD . JonB-PartsRack
If It Fits On or In A Viper, PartsRack Probably Has It. .:2tu:
No Gen 2 Or 3 From Here On In Should Be Sold For Less Than 39k And Up Period ...thay Don't Make VIPERS Any More :think: It's Over Whaaaaaaa :crying: .:hello:
In that situation a brake stand is appropriate. :panic: Nice billowing smoldering choking smoke. His big mouth would seem very very small when hearing the mighty v10 rip a hole in the pavement. This is when extra loud pipes come in handy. No cats with side pipes and there will be fire ...
If YOU are later than ME I want a public:banned::tv: apology. I have already called Chuck to build the podium and Slated to supply the 20,000w PA system and if you do good I'll play your favorite ice-cream truck song and award you with a super special star rainbow ice pop.
PS: Call me when...
Thanks Jimmy! We Had A Great Time. The Grilled Tuna Was Very Good. IT Was A Cool Group On A Hot Day And The Viperusa Black Vert Was Even Hotter :firedev::evilmad::lmao:
I would file sides flat and then tap it with a hammer and use the vise grips ,extra tight. If you get a hand you could tap it with a punch and turn it at the same time.
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