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    questions about the mile events

    Gen 2 Gts 97 Or 96 Stock In M/T test Standing Mile 30.1 Sec @ 173.8 Mph . I am sure this is old news but still very cool.
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    Top Gun Run STANDING MILE Event

    Gen 2 Gts 97 Or 96 Stock In M/T test Standing Mile 30.1 Sec @ 173.8 Mph :D . I am sure this is old news but still very cool.
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    Where is this oil coming from

    YES it just happened to me 1.7 rollers. Blow back/by and blowing back up the intake and leaking out of the intake box drains onto the front of the motor. Unclip the box, pull the filters and the little white sponge. If the filter has a little air resistance from some oil or water, dirt, leaf...
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    mirror loose

    Remove those two bolts and remove the base, flip it over and tighten the nut it the center. If I recall correctly.
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    Breakfast Cruise Moriches Diner 11/14

    This is possible, I was just too far in front to see you in my rear view mirror...
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    mirror loose

    On my 96 GTS I folded the top back and the bolts are right there in the base.
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    Breakfast Cruise Moriches Diner 11/14

    Great pic's Ed and Courtney . Thank you for a great day ViperJon, Adrian, and our lovely host Kay. An incredible group of Excellent drivers:horse::horse::horse::horse::horse::horse::horse::horse::horse::ciao::headbang:
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    Breakfast Cruise Moriches Diner 11/14

    Brakedust and Sue will be there.
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    Thank you to Chuck Tator

    Thank you to Chuck Tator for fixing my wife's Volvo XC90 v8. It runs better than new. Your Road Force Tire balancer is incredible. :2tu::usa::usa: "Smooth Chuck"
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    Happy Birthday: SlateEd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy B DAY. I will buy you two free ice creams of your choosing and a DD coffee xx large :rolleyes::lmao::lmao::headbang::headbang: Just bring a copy of this receipt :D :usa::usa::usa:
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    GTS Value Depreciation/Appreciation?

    One big ? is who did the frame recalls and when on the gen 2 that you are buying or selling.
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    GTS Value Depreciation/Appreciation?

    I have b/w 96 and it is NOT for sale. I have had offers over 44k cash now! Just not interested. I wonder how many of you have had people offer to buy your viper? :dunno:
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    NY/CT Splash Brunch Cruise Nov. 8th

    Ny, Ct, Li, Hello! Earth Is Calling......:rain: no....:mow:no....:bur2:no...:raincloud:no... :santa3:nooo......:sun::sun::sun:YES!!!:horse::drive::headbang::greatday::ciao:[/COLOR]
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    NY/CT Splash Brunch Cruise Nov. 8th

    :sun: So who is going ? IN +1 Jimmmmmyyyyyy!:sun:---:guitar::guitar: :usa2::usa2:
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    NY/CT Breakfast Cruise: OCT 31 (UPDATE!)

    EARTH TO VCA HELLO OOOOO JIMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY ANY ONE THERE:drive::drive::drive::drive::drive::usa::usa::us: LETS GO!
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    This Is Scary... Ny/ct Must See!!!

    Of course it is, we would not put you in a dress :omg:
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    This Is Scary... Ny/ct Must See!!!

    I really wanted to express how much fun it was hanging out with such a group of distinguished and refined gentlemen. I also didn't know that you guys could shake your bootys so well. See you on the dance floor. All I can say is Frank and I cried when we finished and watched it...
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    GTS Wreck on Break

    Gen 2 vipers are becoming more rare. sad :crazy2: but true. And also more valuable, if not today, tomorrow :cash:.:usa::us: I hope everyone was ok, and the insurance covered all of damage.
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    October 25th Mountain tour and lunch

    [1+1 =2] now if I had a bus? ------ IN :2tu:
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    Viper on closed mountain road (Video)

    I bookmarked it! What more could I say, THANKS :drive::rock:
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    Skip shift eliminator

    One of the features of SCT tuner is that it turns off the skip shift:clap2:
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    Drive Line Vibration

    Were the tires road force balanced if not try that. As I understand it there is a balancer that determines the high side of the tire and the rim and then you spin the tire so that they oppose each other. Call Tator he has this new super machine. MY 2
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    The Official Chuck Tator's Viper World DVD is here!

    YESSSSSS ORDERED MINE!:2tu: :usa::usa::usa:tators :headbang::usa::usa::usa:
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    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    That was all cam 2 or the farm animals ?:mf::dog::pigsfly::horse::bdh::headbang:
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    New Viper is my favorite car. Special license plate.

    Nice wheels! I have a '96 GTS - same color. Also some nice mods. Congratulations! A wise man once said, "To know a Viper one must drive a Viper. To drive a Viper one must own a Viper." Brakedust, 2008 :2tu:

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