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  1. S

    Need Trailer Purchase Advice

    You definatley need torsion axles, Also on your lighting, There are a # of manufacturers out there when they wire a trailer, they love to use butt connectors and scotch lock connectors. Oh they are fine for maybe the first year of ownership, then you are on your way somewhere and all of a sudden...
  2. S

    Viper ACR Roadster

    What else would have been cool, If they had put the rear of the coupe on it as well, But probably been a screw up in the wind tunnel. Might have give a few more pounds down force.:D:D
  3. S

    Alberta vipers to salt lake city

    Not Sure on count, as you could read Caravan to VOI. Last count I figured would be about 15 Cars coming from Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary. It will be a blast on the cruise down and back!!!!! :D :D
  4. S

    Pending Toronto Viper Purchase

    Sent you a PM.
  5. S

    Short Throw Shifters...are they worth it?

    Has anyone on here tried the Short Shifter in the 2010 ACR's? If so how do they work? I presume they could be installed on a non ACR. Would like some feedback to see if anyone has done this mod yet. :D:D
  6. S

    July 2010 Okanagan Cruise/Track Event

    Sorry Guys,We will not be coming this year, we had a great time last year and we will have to skip this year.:D:D
  7. S

    Red Deer BBQ

    Not to Correct you Ron, But My SRT 10 Ram is a 04, No problem letting the cat out as I would have once I learn how to Post better pics. I do agree it will be AWESOME when finished, Once Again GREAT JOB on the BBQ, Can't Thankyou enough. Grant :D:D
  8. S

    Red Deer BBQ

    A !!!!!Big Viper!!!!!!! Thankyou to Ron & Bobbie for putting on a fantastic event and extremely delicious meal and treats. :drive:Cruising was Great, just got to watch out for those Off Duty Officers :nono:. Everyone had a great time, Thanks Again, Grant & Cindy.:D:D
  9. S

    Red Deer BBQ

    Hey Ron & Bobby, We will attend as well, Mike & Carol from Millet will probably attend as well.:D:D
  10. S

    what is it?

    It looks as though your car is a 92 RT/10 . Looks like it is the antenae cable that the cable is pointing to in your picture.:D:D
  11. S

    to deal-er or not to deal-er

    If you know were the leak is, Remove the hose in your garage, Plug the ends were the hoses come off ( to keep moisture out), Take the hose to any reputable A/C Shop and have them make you a new one. Place it back on the car (new O rings of course) and take it back to the same shop and have them...
  12. S

    Viper Hate/Envy

    Use to go to World of Wheels Shows with my 69 Hemi Road Runner and I was the same as you, If the Judges liked you (not the Car) you won, To many politics in a indoor show. Started to go to S&S and they weren't as bad but I remember went to a Show at a town of about 2500 people. It did not matter...
  13. S

    Gas Mileage

    When you can afford a VIPER, Who worries about a little GAS!!!!!!:D:D:D
  14. S

    three hills car show next month

    No, I think he wa going SSGreen so he can be up Front!!!!!!!!!!
  15. S

    2010 Viper Pics (With Stripes)

    Stripes are to wide at the Rear, Also should have kept the stripes out of the vents on the hood. Little narrower on the over all car would have been alot better. Glad I have my F/E Coupe.:D:D
  16. S

    Red Deer Viper cruise nite- every night

    Steve, Caught a glimpse of your car yesterday, I tell you it is ONE !!!!!Awesome!!!!!!! looking machine coming at you, Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be a pleasure to cruise with a car like that one.:D:D
  17. S

    Jasper in June

    Has there been a definite Hotel as were everyone is staying? More fun to stay as a group.:D:D
  18. S

    Red Deer Viper cruise nite- every night

    Hey Ron. Got you on Speed Dial now, Anytime you want to go Ron I am willing, 340-9194 (Provided I am around) I was in town yesterday with GOTVENM and come upon a 08 Venom Red Roadster pulling out of Red Deer heading North, He followed me to Blackfalds and then pulled off. Didn't get a chance to...
  19. S

    Red Deer Viper cruise nite- every night

    Ron, We were out last night as well looking for you guys, Was at your house as well, Oh well always next time, I know you guys need a FAAAASSSSTTTT Green Car to Lead the way.:D:D:D
  20. S

    viper magazine

    Just Received my Viper Magazine Yesterday, Nice to see a Picture of some of our Alberta Cars on the First page of the Kelowna Tour!!! :D:D
  21. S

    Who sells a Viper in this condition? Disgusting !!!

    Great Car, Seen it at our Kelowna Run, Awesome Car and Paul is a Great Car guy. As Asp Man Says, Lets see you at our events!!!!!! :D:D
  22. S

    Saddest day of my life

    Rizzo, Sorry for your loss of your Brother, It will get better from here on .
  23. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    Rizzo, You can always attend her next Wedding. ( If you are Still alive):D:D
  24. S

    1995 RT-10 sold @ Barrett Jackson

    I own a 95 R/T 10, 17000 kms.I would not sell mine for 50K, I love the car, bought it new, Don't care if it has windows or not as it is a gen I and it is one of the coolest rides out there, I own a Gen III and a GenIV and I admit the car does not get the use it should but it is all a ride of...
  25. S

    western office

    Received my Registration package today, Thanks VCA.:D:D

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