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  1. S

    For Canadian members...Gas Guzzlers Tax when importing?

    I have imported a 06 Viper and a never paid any gas guzzler tax, All we paid was the GST at the border and the importing fee of, I think it was about $249.00 and that was it.
  2. S

    Squealing noise from belt? Tension, or something worse?

    I have not had this happen on my Vipers, But I did have this happen to my 04 SRT 10 Ram Pick up. The truck was new with 300 miles on it and every cold start would squeal like crazy. I checked my pulley alignment and the crank pulley was way ahead of the other pulleys. Checked the crank bolt and...
  3. S

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

    This is to all of our Viper friends ( New & Old) from the Western :can1: VCA that we met on our runs to Harrison Hot Springs and Kelowna, and of course to the rest of the Viper Nation. Cindy & Myself wish you and your families a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Hopefully you all will get some...
  4. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    Nice to see a nice amount of cars and members that are going, I have lined up 2 others to come with us, They are members but do not frequent the forums. It will be a blast to have all these Snakes touring down I 15, (hopefully no tickets this time) Oh well have to take a bunch of US CASH!!!!!!
  5. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    Greg, I have made it in a day as well, Nice Drive, You better come with us as you know how we looked off of a bike on the Kelowna trip, and we missed you guys too. And I am sure you would give the US boys a run for there money at the track!!!
  6. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    I know it is early and the snow is up to our a**, But lets all get talking and get things on a roll so come September we are Ready to Roll, We are heading down to Salt Lake and I am sure others will want to come along. Anyone that wants to come with us is Very Welcome.:drive::D:D
  7. S

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Sweeeeeeeeetttttttt, and only 12 Hours away, Great Job Chris and company. We will BE THERE!!!!!! :drive::D:D
  8. S

    Who got snow?

    In the last 2 Days, have had the snow blower out 4 times taking off foot and a half each time ( enough already!!!!!!!):crazy2: and it is -20 here this morning,:crazy2: Cars won't see the light of day until May but at least we have something to look forward to.
  9. S

    My Wife's First Ride

    Our Vipers are not Fast Enough for my Wife, Turns ,Twists or wide open straight highway, It's always lets do it again, except faster. She loves Speed, May be my fault as I started here out in a 69 Hemi Roadrunner.:D:D
  10. S

    Anyone have a Lift King lift ? I do now. Pics!

    Re: Anyone have a Lift King lift ? We are in the process of building a new house and attached garage,:2tu: Just in the planning stages (so no pics yet). Am building the garage 50x50 12 foot ceilings ,:2tu: should be good for 15 Cars on the floor and I also plan on a few lifts, Possibly 5, I...
  11. S

    Copied an idea(but made it better)

    Let me know when & where I have to send $$$$$CASH$$$$$.:D:D:D
  12. S

    Ram SRT question...

    It is a Factory colour for 06
  13. S

    engine noise! help!!

    There will probably be contamination in the new oil as well if you are having problems as there would still be a bit of residual oil in the pan if not thoroughly drained, I would still do the oil sample and have it analyzed, but chances are if you did not find anything in the filter, I would...
  14. S

    engine noise! help!!

    Before I got to carried away, I would grab a oil sample kit, ( Not sure who that would have them in your area), But any heavy equipment dealers have them. They cost here $17.00 and will tell you what is in your oil,(metal, copper, brass, or other contamination) , Then I would pull off your oil...
  15. S

    Could Someone Check Out a Car for me at RINGGOLD TODAY!!

    Are you not getting your SSG ACR?. Let me know where it is if you are not getting it.
  16. S

    Need QHelp:Manual says only 1.3 Quart of Diff fluid and forum says 2Qrs??

    Put your friction modifier in first and fill til it is at the bottom of plug.:D
  17. S

    So this is how it is going to be?

    Yep the first sign of snow and the City pours on the sand, All three are put away until the sand is swept up in April/ May. Ok though as to busy to take them out anyways, Yellow may be fast, But SSGreen is Fasssssssstttttttttteeeeeerrrrrr,
  18. S

    06 SRT Coupe for sale

    Greg, This car is a buddy of mine, he bought it new and he is a car collector, He is more into Older Mopars and was not getting any use out of it so he is getting rid of it to concentrate on his Older collection. The car is in as new condition with only 900 kms. He only drove it a couple of...
  19. S

    Hey Newbee Where Are You????

    Depends which Day as I have to do a job on Saturday, Shouldn't take all day. :D:D
  20. S

    Hey Newbee Where Are You????

    We all know Green Rules.:D:D
  21. S

    viper cut off while driving tonight.

    You will need a mutimeter or Amps Volts Resistance Meter to properly check out your alternator. If you do not have access to these, you might want to find a electrical shop to test it for you, or any dealer
  22. S

    viper cut off while driving tonight.

    You might want to check your charging rate (Voltage and Amps), If your battery is low the alternator should still keep enough charge in the system to keep it running, Also if it fired up again,the battery is holding some charge. If you haven't drove it for some time, Charge the battery and then...
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    Shane, Been there and done that, They tell you that there are some info on your car, So you send them your funds to get it and they tell you there is nothing to report.
  24. S

    anyone for a central Alberta cruise?

    Don't think I can do it this weekend, If i can I will post closer to the weekend.
  25. S

    oil cleanup - HELP

    I was only stating for the Concrete, The Car cleanup was handled on earlier posts.

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