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  1. S

    How Many Cars at VOI 10

    Just wondering if we have a car count on how many will be at VOI 10.:drive:
  2. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    Got a call Reliable pulled into my Dealerships lot, Rushed down to find a Very Orange with white stripes Roadster that was Ordered 10 Months after my SSG is getting unloaded, Very nice colour but not SSG, Checked on my car with Reliable, Computers at Dealership says Shipped July 2nd, Reliable...
  3. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    Checked with Reliable Today, SSG Roadster still at the plant, Told me they will load on Friday or the first of next week, Then 4 to 5 Days to Alberta, Told me I would have it by the end of July for sure.:D:D:D
  4. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    SSG Roadster, Ordered May 6 /07, Shipped July 2 /08. Still has not shown up at the dealers . I can't believe it left on the 2nd as I know it wouldn't take 10 days to get it here. Reliable probably can't afford our $6.21 a gallon Diesel to deliver here in Alberta.:confused::confused:
  5. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    My SSG Roadster went into KZ Today 7/4/08. It's been Shipped!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
  6. S

    lacombe days show and shine and 1/4mile

    Hey Shane, It's not a 1/4 mile. It is a 100 Foot Shoot out. Still a lot of fun :drive:
  7. S

    Activate Daytime Running Lights?

    Take your car to your dealer and they hook up the scanner and enable the DTR Lights, And yes they are the Fog lights .:D
  8. S

    Gas price dropped

    Premium Fuel for our Beloved Vipers here in good old Alberta is $1.39/ Litre or $6.26/ Gallon, :omg:
  9. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    SSG Roadster went into J Status on June 9th:D:D
  10. S

    importing a viper rt from US to Canada and Insurance

    Listen to RTTTed, I have imported cars to Canada from the US and if you have all your ducks in a row,the process is Very Painless, We were told to have your paperwork faxed to the border that you cross at 72 Working Hours before you come across with the originals. It never has been 72 Hours...
  11. S

    Striped Cars

    Does anyone have a phone # for Prefix ?
  12. S

    Striped Cars

    If a person had a car that was being striped, Is there someone at Prefix that we could talk to so they would leave the panel body colour and just stripe to the top of that panel, That way you have a factory colour match and you could choose to stripe the lower portion myself.:D
  13. S

    Striped Cars

    Does anyone know why on the striped cars only, Prefix blacks out the rear panel, Non striped are body colour.:D
  14. S

    Factory Pickup Pics!!!

    Looks Good Brian, Can't wait to get it home, Thanks Again:D:D:D
  15. S

    Could this be my 08 at the factory?

    Hardly Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
  16. S

    Question about trailering my 08 from the factory

    Hi, Brian GTS, Save your self alot of grief and buy the WDH as it will do wonders versa no WDH, Also make sure you have good hitch weight on the truck, because if the car is close to the back of the trailer(low hitch weight) you will get sway on the trailer and truck (even with a WDH). So put it...
  17. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    That will be great if you can, Thanks in Advance
  18. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    Mine is SSG with Graphite Stripes, H wheels, 2 tone Interior Black Slate Gray, Nav, You may see it, I do not know how long it will sit in I Status before it heads over to Prefix for Stripes, Hopefully not long. Getting anxious, If you do see it, last 3 Vin is 765, Pictures would be appreciated...
  19. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    SSG Roadster went to I Status Today 5/12/08:D
  20. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    My SSG Roadster went into G Status on May 7/08, Not sure what is next stage:drive::D
  21. S

    Day time Running Lights

    The Daytime Running Lights on My 06 Coupe are the Fog Lights.:drive:
  22. S

    Has anyone received their magazine in Can?

    Got Mine Today, All I can Say is GREAT JOB Chris & Mary!!!!!!! The pictures are great and a great article and a few pictures of our FE Coupe are also nice, Hopefully you can make it to Jasper this year.:drive:
  23. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    My SSG Roadster was in D status since Feb 1/08, Today went to D1, April 14 :D
  24. S

    Has anyone received their magazine in Can?

    Not Yet. Hopefully Soon :D
  25. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    My SSG Roadster went into D Status on Feb 1 and still there, Do not know if Canadian Cars are different in the build status, Was told at the 1st of Feb, would be built in March, Still no build date, do have a Vin though.

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