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  1. S

    C7 Smokes GenV

    The Viper is bigger so probably heavier, Great Drivers, Looks like they are future owners
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    No More Key in Drivers Door

    I went to the dealership and seen a new Gen V, First time I had seen one and was very impressed with everything on the car. One thing i did notice that I could not find the hidden key on the drivers door like the older cars. Did they move it to a different location? I guess probably not needed...
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    The gen.1 Viper is dead, no ignition, no power to the starter

    Open up your battery again and about 4 inches from the battery there is a connector, Check the connector and see if it is clean, Mine had corrosion galore inside the connector not allowing power to the vehicle. Clean up, add a little die electric grease and re assemble. Check for power on both...
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    VCA Raffle car just arrived at Woodhouse!!!

    Hey Mark, I know you guys deliver the cars in your trailer, Just Wondering if you are going to haul it up to Red Deer Alberta Canada:D:D
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    Gen V Pics

    Nice Ride, Will have to meet up for a cruise and take a peek.
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    Viper wheel base-why is it still so short?

    I am saying you put 640HP in a mini and I wouldn't want to drive it. The length of the car is all about design and safety, also down force and lift. The shorter the car is going to require the same if not more spoilers to keep the thing down. I also have cars that are longer than the Viper and a...
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    Viper wheel base-why is it still so short?

    Try Bolting in 640 HP and see how she handles.
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    3M or not?

    This thread is useless without pics, !!!!!SHOW OFF YOUR NEW RIDE!!!!!!
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    It really isn't that easy. Daytime running lights is the big one,Dual Speedo or change the head to metric, The new car maybe has the feature to change it. (Don't know as I have not seen one yet) Kms, Miles, Child seat tether spot to fasten car seat to
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    If you buy the car and move here and become a Canadian and have a Canadian address then you will probably have no Warranty, But leave the car registered in the US and they will honour the warranty. Also you would have to pay the GST and revamp the car to Canadian Specs Same for travelling...
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    Hey Bob, This Car ia a US car out of Texas, Londonderry brought the car up to Canada
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    Drove up to Londonderry yesterday in my 08 SSG and I think every salesman they had there come out and drooled over it.:D Told them I wanted to see this LE 2013 and they told me they SOLD:( it about a week ago for $171000.00.:crazy2: They give me the story its rare and bla bla bla. I told them...
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    I see on there website, They are down to $185988.00!!!! What a Bargain
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    $200,000 for LE GTS???

    I think I am going to take my 06 up to Edmonton and see if I can swing a deal, like my 06 should be worth $55000.00 plus a Mark up of $60000.00 for taking great care of the car for 7 plus years. Like somebody has to pay for it. So all said and done the difference should be the same, RIGHT!!!!!!
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    Anyone here in Canada seen a Gen V rolling around?

    Southside Plymouth in Red Deer have a White GTS coming in
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    Venom Black GTS'S Inbound

    Not to rain on your parade but I waited 15 Months for my Gen IV, Found out the biggest hold up was in shipping as they were waiting to get a full truck to come out west.
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    Can't downshift from 6th to 5th

    You did not state what year!!. I had the same problem with my 95 RT10. It did it right from new and the dealer wanted to swap out the trans, I would not let him. We drove the car and kept working it into gear and eventually after about 5000 miles it shifted fine, But if you have had yours...
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    New CAAP Pics!!!

    That is way to cool, Go to the plant and drive it home. Got to do that on my next one!
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    Gen 5 raffle now open!!

    Thanks for the Help Don, I am in the Draw, The car is coming to Red Deer
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    New CAAP Pics!!!

    Hey Brian, Did you find your LE or what the hold up is?
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    Gen 5 raffle now open!!

    Just tried to buy mine and the site will not accept my credit card, Any one else have this trouble, Tried mine and the wifes and it won't accept them. Any other way to pay?
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    Bummed out: my Gen 4 just isn't as much fun as a Gen 5

    Well, I here you and understand what you are saying. But, I just came back from one of the most awesome rides with 2 of our members and I don't agree as I think my 08 SSG roadster is the greatest, And after i put new tires on my 06 F/E coupe it is now the greatest. I am sure that if I had the...
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    HOLY CROW!! Vehicle in frame status!!

    Hey Brian, what # is yours, I see LE's in the 140ish range on Fleabay, Wonder if they built them in # sequence or not.
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    LE #003 With Carbon Fiber Exterior Package

    Hey Mister Viper, I noticed in some of the factory pics that there was a Blue car with #28 hanging off the mirror, This car had no stripes and different wheels than the other LE's but I found it strange it would have a # and in the line up with the rest of the LE's. Please advise if you know the...