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  1. S

    11.1@ 127 Pretty strong!

    I hope you were joking with an outstanding driver, He was asleep for over 3 seconds at the light. Lets get a good cut at the light and see were we end up.
  2. S

    And so it begins *** DEALER MARKUP***

    SRT should take away there SRT Dealership. That is just bend me over, hope they use lube!!!!!!
  3. S

    Launch Edition Sold $165,490

    In Alberta you only pay 5% GST on the purchase price. For all you guys that don't know what GST is, It is Great Sex Tonight, The chances of getting Great Sex Tonight is **********5%
  4. S

    Ralph's white SRT Viper GTS in Indy

    No I did not as my dealer is not getting a Viper. He does not want to buy the tools as SRT will alot him one car, He figured the mark up on one car won't pay for the tools. He asked for 2 and they told him only one. I told him the tools should work for 2014 , Didn't care. We have 2 dealers and...
  5. S

    Unknown Fuse

    Maybe after market stereo?
  6. S

    Ralph's white SRT Viper GTS in Indy

    Oh, and PS, Ralph is way cooler than me, but you definitely should have ordered Stryker Red ViperSmith, Mister Viper, I was in my Dealer yesterday and Stryker red has been taken off the Order guides and not available to us Canadians. Maybe they could build SSG Now if they quit the red
  7. S

    caap pics ?

    That maybe, but it has a # like the rest of them in the row and from what I read here in the forums they were only building the LE's and the the red track paks.
  8. S

    caap pics ?

    I noticed that where all the cars are parked, One blue launch edition has no Stripes (#28) Wondering whats up with that one or are they building solid blues too. Kind of strange as it is # like the rest of them. And as the stripes are painted on first, maybe this one will be painted later if it...
  9. S

    Order cancelled

    I brought a VCA edition SRT 10 Ram across in 2004 and got it home and the driving lights would not work. Found out that they were not plugged in from the factory. Was told no warranty on the truck, Then the Chrysler rep told my dealer that if I wanted warranty I had to put in the metric gauges...
  10. S

    Anaconda green

    That car is owned by a Ex Dealer from Fort Mcmurray. He has had it in so many auto auctions that it needs to spend a week at the detailers fron all the scratches in it from people all over the car. Nice colour though but not my bright enough for me!
  11. S

    GEN V pics!

    They should move that rod away from the quater panel. Dealerships kill me with there lack of respect for a $110000.00 Car
  12. S

    Front licence plate

    Here in good old Alberta, We don't have to have a plate on the front, They don't even sell you 2 plates unless you buy personalized plates.
  13. S

    So what is the instrument panel going to look like??

    I hope you shut the pre production off. Its got NO OIL Pressure at 750 RPM
  14. S

    Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas to all and All my Viper Friends
  15. S

    New Alberta Owner

    Congrats on your ride, Will probably meet you this summer as there is quite a Viper following in Alberta and B.C. and we have all kind of events to attend to meet New Viper Friends. Stay tuned.
  16. S

    Viper ordering Canada

    This is what happened when I tried to get my 06 FE Coupe. Tried to get one ordered and Chrysler Canada said and I Quote( NO BLUE & WHITES go to Canada) so I had to export mine from the US, Which means no Warranty. I really believe that when they don't send the cars to Canada, They know we won't...
  17. S

    Prayers to Newtown School Shooting Victims Today...

    This is a very sick act of violence. This will live on with the surviving children forever. Just Sick, Rest in Peace little ones
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    I was told on my Gen 4 from Prefix that they could not do any custom paint before delivery because the factory inspected the car and would kick it back if it was changed( I wanted my diffuser body colour and striped). They told me no problem after I took delivery but not while the factory had...
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    Launch Edition Video

    Need to paint the grille and stripes like it is supposed to be.
  20. S

    2013 s On EBay

    We always get the short straw up here in Canada. I waited 15 months from order date to dealer on my Gen 4. Chrysler has always put us on the back burner. Funny thing is its called Chrysler Canada.
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    This is how the Viper will be towed to the track next season...

    Too Bad its a Ford!!!!!!!!!! Just Kidding, Nice Truck
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    I;ve been getting the same calls Ron
  23. S

    Transformation: COMPLETE!

    Looks Good, reminds me of the 70's.
  24. S

    best for paint?

    Autotech in Lacombe(Craig) is good or Northwest Motors Body shop( Andy). First choice is also good