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  1. R

    NE Zone Rendezvous!

    The cut off for EARLY registration is coming to a close. If you wait there will be a significant increase. Send your forms in this week to get the discounted price!!!
  2. R

    Viper Golf Ball Markers

    size should be about the same as a nickel, but it has to be thin. in case a ball does roll over it. Some golfers use the magnet on their hat to hold it when not in use.
  3. R

    NE Zone Rendezvous!

    IT'S OFFICIAL. The top 2 drivers from our AutoCross will go on to compete against the SRT Engineers sometime this year for the SRT AutoCross Competition. (Remember you have to be a current, paid to date member to participate). Time is getting close to the event, so send in your registrations!
  4. R

    NJ Winter Brunch & Meeting

    See everyone Sunday 12:00 PM.
  5. R

    NJ Winter Brunch & Meeting

    Thanks Buddy, same here!
  6. R

    Viper trailer

    That is sooooo cool. Why so far from the back of the car, Seems like a long stretch?
  7. R

    NJ Winter Brunch- March 29

    Looks like 40+ people so far.
  8. R

    ? for northeast guys

    Check Viper Events and gatherings. NorthEast Zone Rendezvous All the information and forms you will need!
  9. R

    NJ Winter Brunch- March 29

    We have about 18 cars so far.
  10. R

    NE Zone Rendezvous!

    NE ZONE RENDEZVOUS May 23-26: Pocono CSD/Zone Rendezvous Pocono Manor, Pocono, PA Saturday: Autocross & 4th Annual Venom Cup: NJ vs. NY / Plus a Scenic Cruise through mountains of PA Sunday: Concourse de' Elegance on the great lawn Monday: Track Day, Pocono Raceway Tuesday: Track Day, Pocono...
  11. R

    NE Zone Rendezvous!

    NE ZONE RENDEZVOUS May 23-26: Pocono CSD/Zone Rendezvous Pocono Manor, Pocono, PA Saturday: Autocross & 4th Annual Venom Cup: NJ vs. NY / Plus a Scenic Cruise through mountains of PA Sunday: Concourse de' Elegance on the great lawn Monday: Track Day, Pocono Raceway Tuesday: Track Day, Pocono...
  12. R

    NE Zone Rendezvous!

    NE ZONE RENDEZVOUS May 23-26: Pocono CSD/Zone Rendezvous Pocono Manor, Pocono, PA Saturday: Autocross & 4th Annual Venom Cup: NJ vs. NY / Plus a Scenic Cruise through mountains of PA Sunday: Concourse de' Elegance on the great lawn Monday: Track Day, Pocono Raceway Tuesday: Track Day, Pocono...
  13. R

    Nj 2009 Event Calendar

    NJ VCA Event Calendar March 29th: Winter Brunch The Breakers, Spring Lake NJ registration required May 7th: 2nd Annual Charity Golf Outing Farmstead Golf & Country Club, Sparta, NJ registration required May 23-26: Pocono CSD Pocono Manor, Pocono, PA Saturday...
  14. R

    NJ Winter Brunch & Meeting

    The NJ Viper Club will be having our annual winter brunch March 29, 2009 This is a great facility and a central location. The perfect opportunity to get the cars out of storage, grab the spouse or significant other and hang out with the Viper community. Most of us are looking for any excuse to...
  15. R

    New rims, new tires, new brakes, new pics

    Car Looks Great! I like the finished product. Where's the front splitter!
  16. R

    NY/CT Region Holiday Party!!! December 13th

    is that the new Victoria's Secret bra under that dress buddy?
  17. R

    2009 Anaconda Green

    Hey Mary, Were you shooting spy photos through a cloth or something? LOL
  18. R

    Pics of Modified RTs

    Thanks. A lot of time and money went into the look I was going for.
  19. R

    ACR and Aero packages ready

    I was given that price from Prefix.
  20. R

    Pics of Modified RTs

    Here's a few of my 2002
  21. R

    Check Out Latest Edition of FANGS

    This is a magazine of all of our NJ events.
  22. R

    Check Out Latest Edition of FANGS

    We have just finished the latest edition of FANGS for 2008. It will be going to press shortly and the NJ members will be receiving your copies by mid November. Remember if you have a story, photo or small article you want us to publish, send in your information to: [email protected]. I want...
  23. R

    ACR and Aero packages ready

    I was quoted $7-8K for the Aero kit painted, and $12-14K for the complete ACR kit. And I thought that was high. $42,500 must be a misprint!!!
  24. R

    NJ Officers

    I want to thank Bob Cerchione for his leadership, time and passion during his term as President of the New Jersey Club. Under his guidance he helped the club grow and unite our members to where we are today. I wish him good luck in his new position as National Secretary, where I know he will do...
  25. R

    VOI 8

    I am hanging some new art in the office, and I have a poster from VOI 8 that was professionally mounted and framed for any collector of past VOI's. Measures 29 x 37. Here's a link to my classified ad: ViperClub Classifieds - VOI8 Poster - Powered by PhotoPost Classifieds

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