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  1. O

    Wanted to Say thanks to slowfrc and Chuck Tator

    Stugots I'm in Valhalla .
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    Wanted to Say thanks to slowfrc and Chuck Tator

    I'm 20 mins from Chuck but I would drive a lot more for him !
  3. O

    Gen II GTS Fuel Tank Issue

    You could have one custom made, I know my friend had one for his Merc made.
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    Gen II GTS Fuel Tank Issue

    I don't want to piss you of actually was trying to make you know your not the only one , when the tank gets out of the car you will see the design flaw is that the neck and the tank are two separate pieces and the were pressed and what I think was heat welded together ,this is where the problem...
  5. O

    Gen II GTS Fuel Tank Issue

    I believe it's a issue with 2001-02 caused something is different on those years w/ the evaporater system ,like I said it has happened to me also , my car has 27000 miles, I didn't get as upset as you sound but at the end of the day it is 12 year old Dodge and it's one of those things that happens.
  6. O

    Pics of My Lemke 3-Piece, Finally! Lol!

    Thanks got the number at his site.
  7. O

    Gen II GTS Fuel Tank Issue

    Had the same issue w/ my 2001 rt it started were the filler neck is pressed into the tank ,Chuck Tator got me a used tank for 350 shipped and about 4 hrs labor . I know the gts is harder to do but 2500$ sounds way to high!
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    Pics of My Lemke 3-Piece, Finally! Lol!

    Thanks, 5'11 to ,gonna have to order one.
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    Pics of My Lemke 3-Piece, Finally! Lol!

    Just two more, do you think you need to lower the seat and how much$ thanks.
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    Pics of My Lemke 3-Piece, Finally! Lol!

    Great looking viper! How long did it take to get the top, do the latches work better than factory, do you bother keeping the factory top now? Thanks
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    too fat to fit

    There's a doctor in weschester hopes its close to you that can help his place is called Amari ,he helped my friend lose over 100 pd all natural
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    pics / mods of my ACR

    I'm moving to Colorado ,what a great view,nice car like the color of those wheels
  13. O

    ~Flying out now for my Viper~

    Welcome to the ny vipers meet you soon and one word of advice Tator for any work on your viper
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    Special Offer from until end of december 2012

    I got my set in September and the build quality is second to none Adams service is great to thanks for a great product.
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    ~Flying out now for my Viper~

    Did a similar trip with my son in aug it was great ,something we will both remember ,welcome to the club and we need more vipers in NY!
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    Almost a new owner...can I post here yet?

    Hey man welcome aboard
  17. O

    Performance mod install

    If you want the best and at a fair price Tators is the one.
  18. O

    Best Tires/Techniques to Avoid Crashing ?

    I just put toyo ra1 set on and for my use ,fair weather only, they are incredible they are dot race tires which the viper is , the car sticks to the road like glue and feels much safer the con side of it is longevity but most of us threw our tires out before there used ,so they will last about...
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    Toyos or PS2

    I have the toyo ra1 they have changed the car, it sticks like glue the two down side would be temps and rain both condition my car never will see anyway.
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    Finally!!!! NEW VIPER OWNER!!!!

    I dont if it's worth the Trip but we got plenty up here my buddy just came here to fill up from malverne LI
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    Finally!!!! NEW VIPER OWNER!!!!

    Westchester Valhalla here
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    Finally!!!! NEW VIPER OWNER!!!!

    What part of NY?
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    Finally!!!! NEW VIPER OWNER!!!!

    Sounds like your from NY I would say enjoy it but after the rock salt they put down for wed. Storm I just put mined on the wheel dollies.
  24. O

    Hope Everyone Made Out Okay From The Hurricane!

    Let me know if you need any local help 914 844 1924 Mario
  25. O

    New Personal Best [email protected]

    Sal your have the biggest balls on this forum !

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