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  1. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Arion and Fryrender are the best I think when it comes to hardware renderer. Some people like Octane but I personally haven't purchased it to try it. The only thing I don't like is if I need to add something to the scene I have to redo import into Arion and assign every material back to the...
  2. N

    Listed my Twin Turbo For Sale

    how come I can't see it?
  3. N

    Some Header and Tune Questions (ACRX, DC Performance, Mopar Race ECU)

    Thanks Toma for answering some of my questions.
  4. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Once I am finished with this I will start on the GTS-R.
  5. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Yes it's modeled in Maya but rendered in Arion. Thanks for the nice suggestions I will try that.
  6. N

    Modeling my Viper SRT-10 in 3d

    Thanks man I appreciate that. Check out my rendering thread.Now rendering my 3d Viper Model I basically did my own car. Mine doesn't have stripes. I'm working on a convertible and a ACR version as well.
  7. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    lol that will take another 6 months to model
  8. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    I could do black but it wouldn't stand out as much as blue, red, or yellow.. I will do one when I get home to show you.
  9. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    New shots with a city scene: Still adding more to the scene.
  10. N

    Some Header and Tune Questions (ACRX, DC Performance, Mopar Race ECU)

    Nevermind I found them. I will call them and see. I will also contact dallas performance. So I will need a tune for sure if I go with headers and exhaust with no cats?
  11. N

    Some Header and Tune Questions (ACRX, DC Performance, Mopar Race ECU)

    Sorry for the ignorance but what does ART stand for? so I can reach out to them.
  12. N

    Custom Exhaust

    I'm doing what this guy did: YouTube - Exterior - A Viper's Exhaust-ive Journey - Part 1 YouTube - Interior - A Viper's Exhaust-ive Journey - Part 2 His sounds the best and I believe he made the most power he did the classic cambered mufflers. I bought a pair and will try to mount them...
  13. N

    Some Header and Tune Questions (ACRX, DC Performance, Mopar Race ECU)

    Hey Guys, I have a 2006 Coupe I wanted to install the 1-5/8" X 1-3/4" step design ACRX headers no cats and a 3 inch custom exhaust (classic chambered mufflers). First do I need a tune or will check engine lights appear and I won't run right? Regarding the tune: I went to the DC...
  14. N

    Thinking of pulling the trigger on an ACR Voodoo but ....

    haha yea right Fiat doesn't have a good reputation in Europe.
  15. N

    DFW question about dealers in the local area.

    I'm located in Frisco, Tx and searched for the best dealership and service adviser with a great viper tech in my area, all I found was old threads of people who have left or dealers that have closed. I took my car into Dallas Dodge once and the service adviser who took care of me has left...
  16. N

    Camera Test Video - ACR Roadster

    I would use the Go Pro it's a better camera and better setup Go Pro Link to amazon Sometimes they have it for 189
  17. N

    My new license plate

    I'm thinking of either of these. what do you guys think? I'm running a yellow coupe
  18. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Actually I can do any color I want it's so easy at this point to change the color to anything even metallic/chameleon etc.. But since I own a yellow coupe I did the yellow. I can take color requests if this starts looking good for posters haha. The ACR is in the works so stay tuned. That...
  19. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Well I would have to model the wheels in 3d that takes 3-5 hrs. I think Photoshop would be a better alternative for wheels swaps.
  20. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    What scene would you want to see this viper in. I have designed a parking garage but what would really be cool to see it in?
  21. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    What type of files do you use for growing the prototypes? How far can you go, meaning can it be very complex?
  22. N

    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Just in case you hadn't seen where I started Go here I have been working on this for a while. People have asked me my reasons for doing this and my answer is that I am doing this for personal growth and to keep up with the technology. I am currently a Senior graphics designer for a oil/gas...
  23. N

    Modeling my Viper SRT-10 in 3d

    Re: Modeling my Viper SRT-10 in 3d (Rendering) Starting to render. First Attempts I'm doing another render from a different time of the day. I'm going to let that render over night. I haven't had time to add materials to the gas cap/brakes/taillights/reverse lighters/windows/or mirror...

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