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  1. N

    2008 ACR headers and exhaust on a 2006

    I purchased the exhaust manifold back including the cats and full exhaust from a 2008 ACR. Will this fit on a 2006 coupe? I asked a question previously about whether the headers off the acr would fit and it was noted that the angle of the headers out are different by 5 degrees which will not...
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    I felt bad on what happened to a ACR in Dallas April 16th

    You know what would be really funny if the cop pulled him over to take a picture with his car. LOL
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    I felt bad on what happened to a ACR in Dallas April 16th

    I have a yellow 06 srt coupe and I was driving home on 190 in Dallas, TX and saw my very first ACR so I accelerated and caught up to him just to check out his black with red stripe ACR and we gave each other some nods and we continued to drive side by side going about 75-80 mph (speed limit is...
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    The Ultimate Wheel Thread - Gen III & IV

    These are photoshopped man put cars with real wheels. I can take a pic of my viper and photoshop wheels on mine that would look more real then these here:
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    Grapevine (Dallas) Area

    I know that area, I work in Las Colinas right next to Grapevine.
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    Viper or Ferrari

    The top holes in the seat where the belt comes through are clearly too small to match any Ferrari seat. Most Ferrari seats have wider openings. Most Ferrari seats have a spine in the middle of the cushion. Ferrari seats also have more detail when it comes to the stitching. Here is Here is an...
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    2006 First Edition, Who Has One?

    Rviper you have to please please post pics of that competition coupe I have never seen one so beautiful!!
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    New guy From Dallas, Tx Saying hi (pics)

    Thanks for all the great complements. I will try to make it at the meet to Pappas BBQ if the weather allows. When does this happen?
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    New guy From Dallas, Tx Saying hi (pics)

    Thanks guys/gals...apparently I have 1 of 17 with color/wheel choice.
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    New guy From Dallas, Tx Saying hi (pics)

    I have loved the viper from the first time I laid eyes on the concept in 91 when I was 11 years old. I grew up thinking about owning one in the back of my mind. I just recently picked up a 2006 Viper Race Yellow coupe with no stripes and I LOVE THE THING. I just wanted to say hi to the viper...
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    Make one promise, if you get it done, post up your real pics... Please....
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    Oh yea I love the sapphire blue it's gorgeous. Black silver and graphite are common colors used in past previous vipers and other sports cars, but the atomic orange just doesn't do it for me. Now the Dukes of Hazzard charger orange would be badass. Kinda like the 08 orange but a little darker.
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    Don't mean to hijack your thread, guy. I like it in champagne it looks nice, but the color is to much of a luxury car color. I almost think that they are taking some of the new 2010 colors too far. Some just look tacky! The viper design body lines, sound, width already screams "look at me! I'm a...
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    It would look better if he had a darker color like the dark gray. then he could do flat black stripes with a voodoo red stripe
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    so a champagne with gray stripes?
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    That's Part of what I do for a living. It took 10 minutes. But it's worth it to me cause he gets to see it and possibly do it because of the visualization just provided on his car. That momentum the image will give him is priceless to me.
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    Photoshoppers help me with my Viper!

    I thought I could help. Here ya go. The gray ones just look mean and I think either would look nice. But, I personally think the blue stripes would look better on a coupe cause you can carry them over throughout the roof line.
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    Street Serpent TT

    Do you have any other shots larger resolution preferably 1920x1200...Your car is Desktop Worthy.
  19. N

    08 ACR headers different then 06 srt-10?

    Thanks guys, But Exhaust+Cats will?
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    08 ACR headers different then 06 srt-10?

    Ok one guy is saying they will work the other is saying they won't? SNKEBIT have you tried? How do you know? Shed some light please.
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    08 ACR headers different then 06 srt-10?

    Are the 08 ACR headers different then the 06 srt-10? I know of the motor size difference but will the 08 acr stock headers fit a 06 srt-10? thanks