I want one of the 33 made but man oh man!! 114k!! Beautiful Color though
HobokenViper, what kind of camera/lens do you shoot with usually? I will be in NJ for a photoshoot on the 26th, But I'm only there for 2 days. I will have my camera equipment and we can make it a photoshoot. PM if you are interested.
Hey BillyC, No I'm not the official club photographer, just a guy who does this on the side. I've shot 3 vipers so far and some other cars. Pm me and maybe I can make a trip out there
Here is a link to my other photos including Becloudnine's ACR
Hey Becloudnine! It was awesome to see you finally post up the pictures!!! The solid gray ACR is an amazing combo! It was an honor to shoot that car. Plus we still have some time left for some driving shots.
Here are my favorites beyond the ones you already posted.
Couldn't that wheel have bucked under after he hit that huge ass ditch on the left at that velocity spinning, that would snap if he hits anything like the wall of that ditch and the whole weight of the car is on that wheel when it goes into the ditch cause of how uneven it is you can see it in...
I can do the gauges it requires patience and heat. The cup holder is the only part that can't be done as one piece.
Guys post up your pictures after your done.
I ended up doing each peice 3 times to get it right and practice. It's not easy and it requires a lot of patience. I agree with ZZ SRT, but I got 5'x8' so that I could wrap other things.
AbsoulteHank I take that back after looking at it in detail you will have to do separate pieces to accomplish the whole dash. The difficult pieces will be the mph on the right cause the frame is angled and goes in deep. The other two triangles on top where the signals/check engine light is will...
I think it's doable I can't remember how deep the gauge circles go. But they are larger in diameter so I think it's possible. Although with all those creases and turns you will need 3m primer on some of the edges to keep it down. The reason why I didn't do that large piece cause it would be too...
I'm sure it will look great! I was taking off the door as well just a little while ago. I don't have time tonight but I will attempt it again soon. I forgot about that stupid clip that holds the door panel on I can't remember if I'm supposed to pull towards the inside of the car or push in...
I've seen red but red and black might be too busy especially with the weave pattern as well could be too distracting. I think you made a good decision by going black. Just the red is pretty bright as well.
Thanks guys for all the nice comments. I'm noticed a small bubble on my plastic behind my interior door handles. I saw a post where people were panting them. Guess what's getting wrapped next! The problem is I would have to remove the whole door panel so that I could take the handle out so I...
It's holding up well so far. But the true test will be the 105+ Texas Sun. It's always garaged but when I drive it somewhere and it sits under the sun will be the true test.
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