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  1. forexx4

    97' b/w GTS (orig. owner) in Classifieds

    Daaaaaaaaaamn! Is she included with the purchase?
  2. forexx4

    Ready to buy!!!

    I'm a little late but CONGRATS.!! I'm in the DFW also ;)
  3. forexx4

    Anyone know anything on the 04 Viper at Park Place Motors in Carmel

    I know that it is tastefully modified. :D Good luck!
  4. forexx4


    In my case it would be a "huarache", but touché.
  5. forexx4


    $100k or nuffin' :D
  6. forexx4


    aquaholic, the guys are not "hating." They are just stating the obvious: The dude was !%#&ing stupid for paying that amount.
  7. forexx4

    My New 2013 Viper!

    Well, that doesn't seem very smart. But what do I know?? Good luck.
  8. forexx4

    TNT: King Snake

    Seems like I got a couple of people thinking about the old days. ;) The day my cousin bought his '98 (in early '99) was the first time I had ever seen a Viper. I didn't have a clue what it was but I LOVED it. TNT did have some bad rep. but from what I recall, they were pretty top notch.
  9. forexx4

    TNT: King Snake

    I wasn't even in middle school when my cousin used to take me to their shop. He had a lot done to his '98 GTS there but like you said, they went out of business. We ran into one of the brother's a few years later in my cousin's old neighborhood but that's the last we heard from them.
  10. forexx4

    TNT: King Snake

    This is not mine BUT I was bored out of my mind so I jumped on AutoTrader and saw this in the listings. I remember I was quite the young'n when TNT was around and this car brought back some memory's. :2tu: Can't recall the names...was it Roy and Joe that used to own TNT? I think there's a...
  11. forexx4

    anyone familiar with 97 B/W GTS "twosnks"?

    Congrats! How are the tires on it?
  12. forexx4

    Old tires question

    I put about 2k on 11 year old Pilot Sports. Was it smart? No. But it's not the end of the world as some make it seem. Get new tires asap but don't be scared to take it around the block as-is.
  13. forexx4

    another 375/20/21car....

    That's my friend so I KNOW that this isn't his car. The one here in Dallas looks very much like this one. I didn't notice the brand but the rears were 22"!!!
  14. forexx4

    my new 1:33

    Nice tan you got going! Oh, cool car. ;)
  15. forexx4

    97 GTS aftermarket gauge replacement

    Dave, you're going to get lost.
  16. forexx4

    Bought new ACR today. TOMBALL ROCKS!

    Congrats. on the ACR! Hope it stays safe and sound in that garage of yours... ;)
  17. forexx4

    another 375/20/21car....

    I think I saw that orange car Monday night at the Gateway Buick meet in Dallas. Is the guy hispanic? Parked right next to my ACR and car looked good except for his front bumper...
  18. forexx4

    VOI Commercial

    Brought back old memories, didn't it? It's ok pal... we're here for you.
  19. forexx4

    I hate wabbit

    Since nobody has asked.... Did you cook it after taking the pics?
  20. forexx4

    New SSG ACR

    That's awesome! Congrats.
  21. forexx4

    Do Vipers Attract Tailgaters and Aggressive Drivers?

    But if they flick you off for not giving a "demostration" then I doubt they truly care about the car you're driving. Most likely, they just want to see an accident happen.
  22. forexx4

    NOS Question

    Oh oh.... Good luck getting serious answers for this one.
  23. forexx4

    Do Vipers Attract Tailgaters and Aggressive Drivers?

    I had a punk in the back of his friend's car give me "the finger" because I didn't chirp the tires when I left the STOP sign. Someone was riding with me at the time and little does that punk know I saved his life... My passenger had a CHL, bipolar disorder, and a loaded FNH. He's also not fond...
  24. forexx4

    So I Go To Get My New Tires.... OMG !

    I'd go get my money back if this was the case! Doesn't it bother you when you're doing 180 and the steering wheel wants to leave your hands? :omg:

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