The overriding concern is ...PROPORTION. The frontal view ..or character lines... can be represented in a Hot Wheels toy...but even great photography of the real item will not represent the appeal of the car.
I am not too concerned about the styling..only as a general concept.
The real test is...
So... some are indicating that the reveal at SLC was only a 'concept' and not likely at all close to the finished product?
....that a blurry photo of a Dinky toy and a picture of a rough mold of the front end are closer than what Ralph Gilles and Sergio Marchionne were making such a proud fuss...
" The Viper was the surprise of the day at Grattan because it was far easier to drive and handle on the track than expected."
" Once on the track, though, we found the Viper to be as friendly as a yellow Lab..obedient, eager to please..and it would do what you told it to, without fail"...
I'm a bit flummoxed over the buzz surrounding the April reveal...or even the HotWheels toy.
Did not the big "reveal" already take place in Salt Lake City last year with many VCA members present?
...also previously in the year in Florida for the dealer network?:dunno:
I would never drive even my truck thru a car wash...detergents are too harsh....especially detergents in a touchless coin operated robotic wash you see behind gas stations.
Also high press water spray bad.
Also when hand washing... have a hose in one hand and paly water over area being...
Sorry this happened to you after all the work and expense you put into your car.
Glad it turned out ok for you...espec if you end up with a Gen IV. No one got hurt and your ins co stepped up.
This begs a question/questions....
Are you satisfied with the ins payment? How much? Did they cover...
Ya, I thought that was odd too. SRT is supposed to be a separate division and they list all the divisions at the end except SRT.
RAM..DODGE...CHRYSLER...JEEP...and..... xxx
Hope things are ok with Jason, his last post here was 3/9/2009 but his last post on was on 4/21/2010.
There he mentioned he was going thru "really tough times"
Here's hoping things are looking up for you now Jason
For further is NOT just the viscosity of the oils that make them suitable for variations in different engine designs and climates.....BUT different additive packages to address varying engineering compromises in piston and camshaft design ( and metalurgy).....and...of...
I also use the Turbo Diesel (5W-40)..but I have a older GTS (1997) with forged pistons. I am not sure if this is a good choice for the newer models with the "smog" pistons (Hypereutectic pistons) Also, some Diesel oil is (perhaps?) not formulated for use in cars having catalytic exhaust systems...
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