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  1. L

    My Brother got bit...looking for SRT-10:

    Well, let me know when you'd like to sell and I'll pass the info along to him.
  2. L

    My Brother got bit...looking for SRT-10:

    I'm looking for an SRT-10 for my brother. At first he was looking at a Lotus Elise, and has decided to try and find a SRT-10 in his price range. His main preferences are: X < $40,000 (The big kicker) Not Red (unless a killer price) Vert (preferred) Not looking for a quick buy. If...
  3. L

    Nice wallpaper image for B/W fans

    I NEED THAT IN HIGH RES! [email protected] THANKS!
  4. L

    How much is 08 hood?

    My brother was wondering how much is it to get an 08 hood + paint and install? Striper or w/o. Thanks!
  5. L

    b/w pic up

    Mine.. New wheels and decals and gas cap.. i think that's everything new you'd be able to see...
  6. L

    Trade Showcar Z06 for 96 B/W GTS?

    Where do you live Zex? I could see if my brother is interested in the hood.
  7. L

    oil changing for winter

    So If I got my oil changed last October before the winter, and I've probably only put on 500 miles or so in the past year. Should I still get it done before winter hits just due to it being a year, or should I wait due to miles being so low.
  8. L

    Traction Issues with FI

    I recently got the new 335/25/20 PS2 *original equipment for the new ZR-1* and 295/25/20 for the front for my GTS with new iForged rims. Great tires and great rims! I have noticed that the tires pick up stones though... but don't really know of any solutions to that...
  9. L

    New cosmetic upgrades:

    I would NEVER do the hood vents... sorry dave.. I was worried at first at how the gas cap would look, but it actually looks great. I'm getting the wheels and ps2's put on tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT!
  10. L

    Random Viper stuff:

    Viper Aluminum Gaming Computer Case RED Only I built the computer myself, but here are the cases.
  11. L

    Random Viper stuff:

    I promised some people that I'd take pics of some random Viper stuff. Feel free to move this after a little while to the Memorabilia section so the people who wanted to see it can. A ONE OF A KIND autoart piece done by famous artist Dwayne Vance for being the 1990's Texaco Car of the Decade...
  12. L

    New cosmetic upgrades:

    Step 1: MGW/Partsrack: Custom painted to match the white stripes: Step 2: iForged 20" Monaco's and PS2's pics of rims and tires on car shortly!
  13. L

    Bottom Lip repaint?

    Is there anything you can do other than painting it? I'd like to not have to. But it looks horrible... Thanks in advance!
  14. L

    Gen 3/4 guys finally have a option of a good runflat in 19/20" size

    I will be getting these for my gen2 because i just got new rims... I will only be getting the same rear tires, as my front wheels are different!
  15. L

    oil changing for winter

    I remember reading to do it BEFORE due to old oil being acidic and you don't want that sitting compared to fresh oil.
  16. L

    oil changing for winter

    Well, sooner or later the snow is going to start flying. I only put about 1,000 miles or so on my car this year. I know a lot of people here say they don't change their oil very often. Is it still worth the money to get the oil changed before storing it? Thanks!
  17. L

    Prepped for the car show ( PICS)

    What kind of wheels are those? iForged Monaco's?
  18. L

    Getting serious about a SRT-10 purchase, but I'm 6'4" 250 any input?

    I'm 5'9" 240lbs. So I'm pretty big. i have a gen2 coupe It's not like sitting in a crown victoria, but compared to my bros c5 vette it's a little tighter. the seats kinda wrap around me, but it's definitely manageable. It's not uncomfortable...
  19. L

    VOI news?

    What happened at Sean Roe's S/C unveiling? Also, there was supposed to be two equal gen2's with a roe vs paxton. Did this go down?
  20. L

    well were off the pick up the viper- in the rain!

    remember to break the car in properly....
  21. L

    any video genius out there in the viper world?

    I have a great video editor who does side jobs if you're still looking. I'm away until sunday. I don't know if you're paying for this or anything, but one of his works is: Area51 Gaming - Media He also did the whole playoffs: Area51 Gaming - Media PS: This is obviously a gaming video and...
  22. L

    Push Button Start

    It's possible. I've seen it talked about before.. Main headache is: 1. Install is a pain 2. The key is still needed, and you need to turn it just before the point of ignition... so kinda useless... But still sweet!
  23. L

    1996 Blue w/White for sale! SUPER CLEAN!

    Obviously the best combination!
  24. L

    Another is this rice thread, but different, with PICS

    it's obviously your decision... With that being said, I don't mind the banner, not my taste, but it looks fine... And like everybody else said... Definitely not a fan of the vents...

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