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  1. S

    vec2 question

    You need to see what your long term fuel adaptives are. I had a similar problem. If the computer is trying to hard to input enough fuel....and can' will set that light. You can change the closed loop base injector set on the fuel page to add more fuel if your adaptives are running too...
  2. S

    IAT % Variance

    I thought it only functioned in open loop, but it seems some think it applies to closed loop as well. I don't see how just setting the low temp could impact the car. It comes defaulted to 10F-185F. Mine is at 35F now. What percent fuel add / subtract did you have in there? You should be on...
  3. S

    IAT % Variance

    Ken, In theory, you should be able to do a log -- no matter the temp -- and then dial in the IAT % from there, regardless of where the AFR is. The reality for me was to get a good AFR at a certain temp and then monkey with the % IAT. I tried the other way first, but didn't make much headway...
  4. S

    IAT % Variance

    Thanks Daniel, Bear with me while I comment in between your explanation My car doesn't miss a beat on transition. It literally explodes when you hit it. 3rd gear logs have me accelerating from 45-92 MPH in 3.6 to 4 seconds depending on outside temp. That's pretty darn quick considering...
  5. S

    IAT % Variance

    Daniel, Interesting to know the actual OEM correction factors. Thanks for the info, but as you can see from my graph, the +/- % across the board is quite a bit different for my car. The other problem with the Roe system is that the IAT temp is not what's going into the engine. It may be...
  6. S

    Spare removal for Sub???

    We ran without the spare for one summer in 2001, before hearing from some of the Team Viper guys, on a trip downstate, this piece of info. Never been without it since. Steve
  7. S

    Spare removal for Sub???

    Makes perfect sense to me. That would be the gas tank an inch or two from your back. I'll take any buffer I can between the rear end and the gas tank. We don't ever take it out. Stereo systems may be compromised, but then the Viper was never intended to be a sound machine. You can easily pack 2...
  8. S

    IAT % Variance

    I now have one card which consistently gives me the AFR I want from 50F-95F. The trick is setting temp parameters and then balancing out the fuel add/subtract. It took a little monkeying around to find the balance point bewtween fuel add/subtract and IAT % correction........and may never be...
  9. S

    Motorweek Viper Test

    Starts on PBS this Friday. The first viewing on our local station will be next Monday at 4:30 PM. Check your local PBS schedules. Looks like they also have a feed to the SPEED channel. Steve
  10. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    As I understand it -- both statements are correct. The Team Viper guys had to give way due to painting expense concerns -- even though it was under a hard money contract to a sub. The company doing the painting complained about the difficulty and increased unit time (even though under contract)...
  11. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    There's also a non printed story about why the stripes through the plate area ceased to be. Steve
  12. S

    Driving an RT in a Homecoming Parade?

    These girls have never caused any damage to the sport bar :) We've had others on top for picture taking as well. No problem. I see a commonality here in all areas mentioned.;) My brother and I thought the same thing. Not really. We both knew that neither we, nor the Viper were not the...
  13. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    My source was Sandy. Over the years, he and several others of the original Team Viper (including Roy) have relayed this, and many other interesting stories of how the car came to fruition. Most of these stories never made to the hardback car books. At the time, it was a little risky for these...
  14. S

    Driving an RT in a Homecoming Parade?

    No problem at all. We are in 5 or 6 parades every year, including this one in Twinsburg for the annual Twins Days Festival. The same girls have ridden up there 3 years running now. The car took the parade car entry trophy last year and the girls won most alike for their age group. I do leave the...
  15. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    As I am told, Sandy is the reason these cars came into existence. It was his idea. It started with him wanting / suggesting one be made for 'color adherence evaluation' and went from there. It was quite a clandestine project in the beginning. That's how the other two guys got involved. One by...
  16. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    I'm guessing this car is not for sale......maybe ever. The guy who owns it is the original owner and the instigator for the 3 cars being made. ........another Viper Lore & Legend story ;). The other two were built for Chrysler honchos.......Tom Gale and Francois Castaing. I think I heard Jon B...
  17. S

    Belanger Header Install: How Difficult?

    We also lifted the coolant bottle out of the way. I don't remember using any gaskets at all, just some hi temp silicon. Never had any leakage problems yet....6 yrs. / 66,000 miles. Have never had to re-tighten the collector area set up. Steve
  18. S

    96 White/Blue GTS

    There were 3 white / blue striped GTS cars made in 1996. They were not a planned production run and are indeed special cars. This was taken in Traverse City two weeks ago. It belongs to a MCVO member and original Team Viper engineer. Steve
  19. S

    Aluminum flywheel upgrade-good idea?

    The Viper is probably the easiest manual car I have ever driven. You pretty much can't stall it. All vipers are a little jerky in first gear sometimes-- regardless of flywheel. I thought the stock flywheel was 43 pounds? I have had the Fidanza flywheel (not sure the weight) for over 40,000 miles...
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    roe blower guys

    No, ACR has a stock t-stat. The RT/10 has a 170 Roe stat. Fan settings are stock. Logging on hot days has both cars at the middle bar on the gauge during repeated runs.
  21. S

    roe blower guys

    I was quite worried when we bought the car that it wouldn't go up our pretty steep driveway. I need to hit it at about a 30 degree angle with the 'regular' Viper. Surprisingly, it is no harder to get up the driveway than the gray car. No lesser angle is needed. Steve
  22. S

    roe blower guys

    Actually, the lowest part of the car is still the bottom 1" lip inboard from the splitter. Believe it or not, the edge you're looking at is roughly 1" higher than the lip ... I'm guessing the lip to be 1" or so. The splitter bottom rides right on the bottom of the fascia. Steve
  23. S

    roe blower guys

    I have an Autoform front splitter -- Not Roe. My uneducated guess would be the same: ....That it would tend to scoop more outside air into the airbox intake area thereby adding more cooler air to the mix. Steve
  24. S

    roe blower guys

    Never thought of it's getting more complicated :( Guess I'll have to flop it out next year one time. Probably won't swap VECs though. Steve

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