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  1. J

    What a day to hit the red button

    Central CT was high 50's. Great weekend to pull the battery tender and drive the Viper
  2. J

    Anyone have this lift: Atlas Garage Pro 8000 EXT (Exta Tall) - Greg Smith?

    Does anyone have the Greg smith 8000 EXT lift? it is not as wide as the rest of the tall lifts but also comes with shorter runways (165" in length). my 2 car garage has a single 16' wide door so I need a narrower lift to be able to pull the wife's jeep next to the lift without her taking out a...
  3. J

    Just put my 06 F/E coupe on the market

    Best of luck. I just purchased a 2006 FE Coupe with 5k miles on it for a bit less than you are asking. Your wheels are very nice but a bit personalized - I'd suggest putting back the stock 5 spokes on and selling your add on parts privately to recoup the investment as its rare to get anything...
  4. J

    2006 FE Coupe to be delivered today 1st Viper

    Thanks - I spoke with Chuck Tator prior to finalizing the purchase and he also emphasized how dangerous the "run-craps" are and suggest changing out which I intend to. For now while the weather cooperates will continue to be incredibly careful when driving this beast - no intention to street...
  5. J

    NAPA Battery - is this the right one for my Viper?

    Thanks - this is my first Viper and as much time as I have spent as a spectator on these forums over the years there is so much I have learned about this car in 2 days of ownership.
  6. J

    NAPA Battery - is this the right one for my Viper?

    Today I removed the battery cover from my new to me 2006 SRT10 Coupe to see what battery is in there before ordering a Battery Tender for winter hibernation. The battery in the car is a Napa 7534 N that appears brand new with a date code of Oct / 1 (assuming this is October, 2011). Is this...
  7. J

    Something strange with this car?

    It is also missing the rear diffuser blades
  8. J

    2006 First Edition, Who Has One?

    #81 was delivered to CT today. Could not be happier!
  9. J

    2006 FE Coupe to be delivered today 1st Viper

    FE - First Edition for the coupe in Blue/White. This is 81/200. Just got back from a trip to the gas station - WOW I am in awe. This car is unreal. Absolutely taking it slow and careful - this thing scares the cr-p out of me.
  10. J

    2006 FE Coupe to be delivered today 1st Viper

    I am impatiently awaiting the enclosed transport to arrive at my house today with my 5k mile 2006 Blue/White stripe SRT-10 Coupe. The weather is nice here in CT (Low 50's) so it should be a good day take a short cruise before tucking it away for the winter.
  11. J

    2006 First Edition, Who Has One?

    #81 is on its way to CT
  12. J

    Took The's going to be a Very Viper X-Mass

    Nice purchase. I was looking to buy that car from Cromwell but it sold before the owner and I could coordinate schedules. Glad it is in good hands!
  13. J

    2006 First Edition, Who Has One?

    Anyone looking to sell their 2006 First Edition - please send me a PM

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