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  1. U

    GM, Chrysler fight reopening of closed dealerships

    GM, Chrysler fight reopening of closed dealerships - Yahoo! Finance I'm sure some of you have seen this mornings news already. GM, Chrysler press lawmakers to back off House legislation to restore closed dealerships By Ken Thomas, Associated...
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    Permafinish. Any one in Atlanta try it....

    ......on one of their vehicles or their Viper? Any comments/opinions? PermaFinish
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    Carlsbad Car Meet Pics 7/30/05

    Sorry about the crappy quality, but they are from my phone cam. Mr. K&N's Viper Other exotics: this Lambo belongs to a fellow VCA'er
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    Thanks to Neil -UK (racegraphics)

    A big thank you to Neil. The decals were excellent and the color was exactly what I was looking for to compliment the Steel Grey.
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    I AM SO PISSED!! As I exited the freeway I had to slow down on the off ramp because of the traffic ahead of me. On my left a semi came up fast and started to swerve into the offramp RIGHT BESIDE ME. Temporary barriers for construction on my right and NO WHERE TO GO! I had to literally slam on my...
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    7/50 Extended warranty and Roadside Assitance

    Has anyone actually had to use roadside assitance for towing? Was it a hassle/long wait through the RA program? Just curious.
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    Final Edition on 20/20

    David Galligher from Seventh Heaven was highlighted with his FE VIper. Some great shots of the car. They really focused on the Viper.
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    Is Caldwell going out of business?

    or just refocusing and getting out of the Viper business? Either way, it would be a shame. Saw this in the classifieds section: We have been authorized by Caldwell Development, INC to liquidate their entire parts inventory as well as their complete engine manufacturing facility. In parts...
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    Race Deck flooring question

    Before you installed the flooring, did you seal the concrete? Or does the flooring seal sufficiently so that oils and such won't leak down to the concrete? Sorry for the OT question.
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    VCA Apparel?!

    The VCA Notes say that you can order VCA apparel online at Am I missing a link somewhere? I know that there is an apparel button at the top right, but that just takes you to a scanned image of the flyer that went out with the Viper Quarterly.
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    Paint code for the valve covers?

    Anyone know what it is or if is even available from Dodge? Much thanks, Ulysses
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    Hood repair question

    One of the studs that holds the hood louvre down busted off at the surface of the hood. Is there some special epoxy I should use to repair this or will the standard hard drying epoxy for body repair used to fill holes and such work? Or am I SOL? Thanks, Ulysses P.S. If you all ever use the...
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    Gas smell

    Bad gas cap
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    6th gear problem

    6th gear is probably too low for that speed.
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    Chrysler Speed Classic Coronado Island (pics)

    Pics are here
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    Coronado Speed Classic SoCal Club (pics)

    Great day and a great turnout! I took some pics but I am bummed that they did not turn out too well. Smudge on the lens and I didn't notice until I got home. I have more pics, but they will have to wait until I can upload to a server. It started out a bit of a grey day. But there were an...
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    Did anyone try their supercharged beast on the road course at VOI?

    Just curious as to how it handled. Was it too much for the road course? Were there any heat issues?
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    slow starting 1996 RT/10

    Possible fuel pump problem.
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    Viperclub .com

    Where you have it is okay, AS LONG AS IT LOOKS AND FEELS STABLE. If you want better stability you can move the jack stands in more on the front off the loops for the stock jack (careful to clear the wheel well cover material) and the rear stands can go before or around where the curve begins on...
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    Do a "search" on this site for "seat lowering". There are kits out there just for you giants.
  21. U

    Dealer wants to replace entire engine!!!

    Standard procedure for a engine failure is to pull engine and have Arrow rebuild it. Unless the failure is catastrophic, then I assume they replace.
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    Cats question before I start install

    Yes, For the stock pipes to the 3" you will need a reducer. If you take it to a muffler shop, they should have them or can fabricate them easily.
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    Got in Little Race with new Lotus V8 TT (surprised)

    Yes, A friend at work has one as a daily driver. I have raced him many times from a roll and it's always been pretty close until I hit third.
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    Anyone know the size of the bolts that hold the Hood latch on?

    The part of the latch that's on the hood, the bolts are M6x20x14. The part of the latch that's on the frame horn, the bolts that hold it down to the frame horn are M8x25x24. The bolts that let the latch slide up and down are M8x25x20.
  25. U

    How Long until sideeills yellow?

    Yellowing on my sills started at approximately 1000 miles and didn't really stand out until about 3000 miles.

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