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  1. J

    Possible cause of overheating

    I am posting this in hopes that it may save someone a lot of aggravation. I am 55 and have been working with all types of machinery most of my life and have seen all kinds of weird $hit. One of the strangest was one of my early muscle cars, a 1960 Corvette, that was overheating. It exhibited all...
  2. J

    Thanks to DC and VCA ...

    Many thanks to DC and the VCA for another great VOI. I realize that it takes a lot of resources and planning to stage an event like this so I just wanted to say thanks to all involved. :2tu: :usa:
  3. J

    VOI7 was Great! Thanks...

    Had a great time at VOI 7; thanks to DC, Dodge, PVO, JRT Co., VCA, CAAP, and everyone else who made it possible. I can't think of any other auto manufacturer in the world who puts on a party even remotely like this. Think about it guys, it is really pretty amazing. Some of the highlights for...
  4. J

    Mice, Rat Poison, and Oh He!!

    I live on a farm and have an old house that has been added on to and modified several times; Because of this, it is not exactly mouse-proof. This farm is an active farm and we have a lot of livestock and feed and consequently, a lot of mice in the barns. For some reason, this year has been...
  5. J

    Heading for Annual Viper Plant Tour!

    Hi Laurie, My wife and I will be leaving for Detroit around noon tomorrow (3/15) and plan on arriving at the hotel in the late afternoon. You are right about the weather (its been a long winter) and the Viper is still hibernating in the house, so we will be driving the Indy Ram (#12, one of the...
  6. J

    "Fangs" for the memories from all the folks at Dodge

    Re: \"Fangs\" for the memories from all the folks at Dodge I would also like to say thanks! Brought back some great memories - already looking forward to the next VOI!

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