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    Cant upload avatar?

    Moderators, The system wont let me up upload an avatar. I am not sure why. The only thing I see that might be the problem is... I am seeing an error message in my photo album that is telling me the photos I uploaded about 10 years are taking up to much space. I went into my album to try to...
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    2008 SRT-10 & Mopar Concept @ CHICAGO Auto Show February 2007 - Pictures!

    All of these photos can be found (& you can zoom in) in my image gallery: Home » Member Galleries » YellowSnake
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    2008 SRT-10 = What? You guys couldn't get 800 horsepower out of it?

    2008 SRT-10 = What? You guys couldn\'t get 800 horsepower out of it? What? You guys couldn't get 800 horsepower out of it? By Daniel Pund, Senior Editor, Detroit Date posted: 12-27-2006 Except for an SR-71 Blackbird or a...
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    2006 SRT10 COUPE PRESS RELEASE: available in Dodge dealerships fall 2005

    2006 SRT10 COUPE PRESS RELEASE: Auburn Hills, Mich. - The Dodge Viper legend began with the 1992 Dodge Viper RT/10 Roadster and grew with the introduction in 1996 of the Dodge Viper GTS Coupe. History is repeating itself. When the...
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    Redirect still on home page...

    Dear moderators, FYI, when you are on the main page ( and click the link "Msg. Boards & Chat" ( it still takes you to a message that says: "The time has come!!! We apologize for not being here for you....but we...
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    SRT10 Coupe: 59 pics total...

    All of the one's I could find I posted at:
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    Dodge Viper Slammed by Gen-Y & DC Engineer!

    Dodge Viper Slammed by Gen Y & DC Engineer! QUOTE: During an 18-year career with Chrysler, Hannemann was the developmental engineer on the Dodge Viper, one of the GT's main competitors. One of Hannemann's problems with the Viper is that it never turned the heads of young women. Not so...
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    Shelby Series 2 is Coming: Viper Killer?

    UBB17-ML-266794-ML- Not a Viper...
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    Despite my car melting down...

    In a post titled, "TOOFS Dynoday a Hit" Keith SapphireGTS wrote, "Despite my car melting down, the dyno day was fun none the less... Everyone at the event and the staff at "Street Stuff" in Addison were very generous in helping me with my car and giving me a ride home. They offered to have...
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    Warranty Question: Availability of an extended warranty

    Warranty Question: I you were to purchase a 2000 Viper today, could you get an extended warranty? Since the standard warranty is 3yr./36,000mi would the availability of an extended warranty be contingent on the delivery date? In other words, if an extended warranty was purchased today...
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    Supercharged Vipers: Who is the best tuner?

    Supercharged Vipers: Who is the best tuner? I recall recently reading “Treynor” say something like, “How much horsepower do I need to stay unique?” And “OutThere” posted a topic in the Performance Modifications section of the VCA titled "DLM Stage 1 vs. Sean Roe." It seems, like anything...
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    Performance Results: 17" vs. 18" vs. 19" vs. 20" Wheels

    Performance Results: 17\" vs. 18\" vs. 19\" vs. 20\" Wheels Performance Results: 17" vs. 18" vs. 19" vs. 20" Wheels Noting that DC increased the Viper's wheel size from 17" to 18" in 1999 and then increased the rear wheel size to 19" in 2003, other than personal aesthetic preference (ie. big...
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    The VCA Who-Done-It Mystery of the Month! Can you identify the member?

    Seeking: Brand, Style, & Size of wheels shown on a particular VCA members avatar recently. Riddle: You seem to be observant, so I would like to ask you a question. I am trying to find out the Brand, Style, & Size of a particular set of aftermarket chrome wheels that was displayed on a...
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    New Dodge Viper races Air Force F-16

    Although this has been posted, I haven't seen this article here before. ----------------------------------------------
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    And for you intertational visitors...Conoce a detalle el nuevo modelo del mítico Vipe

    Dodge Viper SRT-10 Convertible, 2003 DODGE VIPER 2003 Conoce a detalle el nuevo modelo del mítico Viper. Ahora cuenta con 500 hp y 500 lb-ft de torque. Espectacular por donde se vea MPT © Derechos Reservados Por: MPT (27/06/02 ).- Ya sea por su exótica figura o sus salvajes...
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    R&T Reviews: 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 (6/2002)

    R&T Reviews: 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 (6/2002) 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 New skin, more bite By Matt DeLorenzo Photos by John Lamm When I first glimpsed the slick new skin encasing the Dodge Viper, my heart skipped a beat. I wasn't swooning from the shape, but rather from a nagging feeling that...
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    Car and Driver - 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10

    Car & Driver 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 The new, improved hyper-Viper. BY BARRY WINFIELD MAY 2002 At the sight of a red prototype 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 wheeled out for a first drive, our little group of writers felt a rising sense of excitement. It was a frisson that even Dodge engineer Herb...
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    I received a 2003 Price & Spec email from DC

    This is the email I received today. ----------------------
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    Dodge Viper HP & Cu.In. for 2013!

    First there was the Viper RT/10 with a 400 hp, 488 engine. Then came Viper GTS with a 450 hp 488 cu. in. engine. Next is the 2003 SRT10 with a 500 hp 505 What do you think the Viper HP/Cu.In. will be in 2013?
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    Official Dodge Viper Quotes

    Dodge Viper Quotes "It's difficult to call the Viper anything other than the current ultimate expression of American automotive muscle." -Atlanta Journal-Constitution December 1998 ----------------------------------------------
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    Dodge to Begin Taking Orders for 2003 Viper Competition Coupe

    Here is an article I found at Dodge to Begin Taking Orders for 2003 Viper Competition Coupe Auburn Hills, Mich. - Dodge has officially opened the ordering process for its limited-production, racing-only 2003 Dodge Viper Competition Coupe. Serious...
  22. Y Reviews 2003 Viper SRT 10

    2003 Dodge Viper Twice bitten, not shy. by Paul A. Eisenstein The Car Connection Testdrive Column April 30 2002 043002.column?coll=bv-autocorner-testdrive So much for the "Valley of the Sun" -- it's a freezing cold January...
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    Road & Track Reviews 2003 SRT-10: JUNE 2002

    Article by: Road & Track - JUNE 2002 When I first glimpsed the slick new skin encasing the Dodge Viper, my heart skipped a beat. I wasn't swooning from the shape, but rather from a nagging feeling that maybe...
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    I Can't Wait For This...

    I Can\'t Wait For This... Check my gallery for more!
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    My VCA Gallery doesn't work. Help.

    My VCA Gallery doesn\'t work. Help. My gallery doesnt work. What is wrong?