Search results

  1. V

    Door holder bracket problem

    Ok, I read about this somewhere before, but I don't even know the key words to search on to find out the story on this. Any ideas on searches? A little right angled piece of metal fell off the front of the door on my 01 GTS. It's the part that holds the door open. Can I fix this myself? Can...
  2. V

    Head tech question

    How hard is it to check/replace the valve stem seals/guides? Can they be checked and, if necessary, replaced without removing the head itself, just the valve covers? Thanks!
  3. V

    GTS VIPER ON EBAY This little punk can warn you about these types of auctions. Look at his list of things to check for and see how many this GTS auction matches up to...
  4. V

    MotorMat in action (pics)

    Well, after many months, I unveiled my newly remodeled Viper garage this weekend at a outdoor birthday party at the house. It was a big hit. I started with your run-of-the-mill "hell hole" garage. I like to think of it now as another, inviting interior room that is a fully functional garage...
  5. V

    Is this your R/T?

    When I lived in HK in 1997, I hopped the border to China to see a 4 hour BPR race. All the cool cars were there, including this Viper. It was the loudest Viper I have ever heard. Is it yours?
  6. V

    Having Hard Time Selling

    Price may be an issue...I have read messages on this board of people buying the higher MSRP GTS for $69K new. Why would they want to spend another $1K for a used car that lists for less?
  7. V


    Wow, I went for a ride in my Viper today and I didn't spring an oil leak, blow a gasket, need an Arrow rebuild, or fishtail into a curb!
  8. V

    Test Drive Joke?

    You could always use my method: Peer pressure a friend into buying one first... Then make your decision. I literally did this with a Lotus Esprit, C5 Corvette, and a Viper GTS. And they were all happy...
  9. V

    Tough to make a bounty these days...

    I have a better shot at claiming the $5M Bin Laden bounty than the $15K bounty for finding a buyer for this:
  10. V

    What I learned today

    The rear greens and brake tool for my 2001 arrived at noon today -- thanks JonB!!! I went straight to work... The brake tool seems to be best when used in a squeeze and back off method, like you would with a screw tap. Otherwise it seems to bind... One man vacuum brake bleeders works great...
  11. V

    Silly Lexus lookin to race me

    Isn't it a little tiring after a while that these punks think you bought your kick-*ss Viper just so they could test how much slower their car is???
  12. V

    Hood rattle

    I've noticed that my hood rattles at the latches down by the door sills. You can just tap it on the side of the clam shell and you can hear the latches rattling...There's a lot of sideways play. I couldn't find anything in the archives...Has anyone already dealt with this rattle? Most rattles...
  13. V

    Houston offering...

    In case any of my fellow Viper owners in Houston are in need, I have the following to lend out: 1 g-tech meter 1 auto-xray code reader/clearer for all ODB-II (1996 and above) 1 rear brake tool for 2001 (in the mail from JonB)
  14. V

    The Vomit Viper Is Back On Ebay

    Here's a better formula that he can use to calculate the true market price of his car: true market price = [price of used 1999 RT/10 with 5400 miles] - [price of new red paint job] - [depreciation of a Viper that's been repainted]
  15. V

    Thanks for the flags, Chris! (pics inside)

    Chris, Thanks for the flags! Now I feel even more like an astronaut when I climb inside the Viper capsule!
  16. V

    Who knows how to read plugs???

    I have a 2001 GTS with 9000 miles on it already (long story, but lots of highway miles) and I start getting a check engine light. The car seems to idle and run strong. So I buy the Autoxray scanner and it tells me I have multiple engine misfires. After a post, I take JonB's advice and order...
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    Go there in person...
  18. V

    Rear brake pads for 2001

    Can anyone confirm that they have installed a non-factory brake pad on the rear of their 2001? I have been working with Wayne at Apex to see if the Hawk pads for a 1994-1997 Mustang Cobra would fit, but Hawk is doubtful and Wayne says it looks different. I am really looking forward to...
  19. V

    Do you have a 2001 with the Jet Perf Skipshift?

    If you do, can you confirm that (with proper installation) your check engine light did *not* come on after the installation? I just had my check engine light cleared by Archer Dodge here in Houston (good service experience) and I don't want to do anything to cause it to come back on and end up...
  20. V

    Clearing service engine light?

    Hi, I just installed the Jet Skipshift connector in my 2001 GTS to hopefully turn off the service engine light. Well, it's still on. Does that mean that the Jet connector is not working or does it mean I just need to clear the computer to turn off the light? If I need to clear the computer...
  21. V

    Fuse for the windows

    Does anyone know which fuse is used for the power windows on a 2001 GTS? The owners manual has all the fuses listed, but there is no mention of the power windows. I would like to use this line to power the radar detector. Thanks, ViperDoctor
  22. V

    Check engine with skipshift mod

    I did the skipshift mod from the cookbook last night while I was changing the front brake pads. After removing the connector and plugging both ends with dabs of silicon, I now have a check engine light. From reading the cookbook I had a feeling I would have the CEL because it mentions the...
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    A/C Modification

    Has anyone tried plugging or partially plugging the external air inlet for the A/C? I am hoping this will do 2 things for me: 1) Improve the cooling of the A/C since it is always using just recirculated air, 2) Reduce the amount of polution I have to breath... It's a 100 degrees this week and...
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    Hi, Is there a list of codes for the computer posted anywhere on the Internet for a 2001 GTS? Many thanks, ViperDoctor <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by viperdoctor on 06-29-2001 at 09:32 AM</font>
  25. V

    Best non-Speed Lingerie bra for the Viper

    Hi, I just bought a new Yellow/Black GTS a couple of weeks ago and it's clear I need a bra. Can anyone recommend which bra looks the best and is easiest to install? And where to get it? I don't really want to go the $500 Speed Lingerie route. Thanks, ViperDoctor

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