Search results

  1. P

    Help- shipping options

    Selling a set of Purners with mounted Kumhos. As it works out I need to send from Seattle to FL.Anyone connected with a shipper? Any suggestions,dont want to do the cardboard around the wheel as I dont want to risk damage.:usa::usa:
  2. P

    Don Ruckman

    Don where did your ad go for parts you had listed for sale? Paul K.:usa::usa::usa:
  3. P

    roof install

    Any tricks to putting my roof back on my 01 R/T for the first time? Just line up the pins in the rear & push the front brackets over? Sure doesnt seem like much holding it on.:usa::usa:
  4. P

    Front badge measurements

    Looking for placement measurements for a new front badge on a 01 R/T10. Search states its in the shop manual, cant find. Anyone?:usa::usa::usa:
  5. P

    Front side marker (lamp)

    Need a side marker for my 01 R/T 10, just one.Anyone have a extra?:usa::usa::usa:
  6. P

    Trade my autoform front fascia & splitter

    I have a autoform front fascia & the autoform splitter,plus a extra splitter.All are yellow with black stripes.The fascia & one of the splitter are in excellent shape,the other splitter has minor very repairable damage.I am looking to trade for a stock 99-02 front fascia for my 01 R/T10 with no...
  7. P

    Wanted 01 front fascia

    Looking for fascia for my 01 R/T 10.Can be the skin only or without or with fogs.Not looking for one that requires repair. My Viper is at Doug Levins so the closer the better.:usa: :usa: :usa:
  8. P

    Flying in on Monday to p/u my wifes DIAMONDBACK

    If any of you want to check :usa: :cool: :usa: :cool: :usa: :cool: :rolaugh: :rolaugh: :drive: :drive: :drive: :usa: :lmao: :lmao: :drive: :drive: the DIAMONDBACK out on Monday come on by before I hit the road for Washington state.I will do autographs & sign pixs for a hour only.
  9. P

    VCA ride spotted

    Saw 05 VCA ride on I-5 near Fife about 3 this afternoon.Poor guy looked like he was going about 35MPH just frightened out of his mind. He was southbound. I am sure he didnt see the red blur (EXIGE) scream past him in northbound lane. Hope he made it to his destination as he looked very shakey.
  10. P

    Yellow gts owners

    Check out my ad for a complete set of snake oly mats at half price. :usa:
  11. P

    Usage (Skippy)

    May we use this new, great, kick butt forum to post Viper parts for sale or trade? :usa: :usa: :usa: <font color="blue"> </font> :usa: :usa: :2tu: :2tu:
  12. P


    What do you think of this for a section in the Classifieds. Viper parts for trade. Vipers for trade. :usa: :usa:
  13. P


    Will gen 3 seats fit in my 01 R/T without a lot of modifications or being a pita? :usa: :usa:
  14. P

    Copperhead coupe with black stripes

    Just curious are there any new for sale copperheads with black stripes? Pixs anyone. :usa: :usa: :cool: :usa: :usa:
  15. P


    How much road do you think you would need to have to slow down comfortable say to 70-80MPH after attaining the above MPH. :usa: :usa: :cool:
  16. P

    Looking for a full set of used SRT10 calipers.

    Anyone know of a set for sale? Want to change out from my 01 R/T 10. :usa: :usa: :usa:
  17. P

    05 VCA black chrome( curbed) wheel for sale

    Curbed wheel(not bent) off of my 05 VCA,includes tire monitor.Sure California wheel could restore to like new. $800 plus shp-
  18. P

    Jon B Post

    Isnt life funny,the critical post on Jonnie B has turned into a great tribute to him &amp; his knowledge &amp; service in the Snake community.He couldnt have had a better ad done by a agency,testimonials everything.I actually have got to know him, pretty darn funny at times.Yes he is very...
  19. P

    VCA # 47 of 50-2005

    Hit the 13,000 mile mark today in the rain with the top down.Hell yes!!! :usa: :usa: :cool: :headbang: :usa: :headbang: :cool: :usa: :usa:
  20. P


    Looking for an employee discount coupon ticket number that your not going to use. Needed for a RAM SRT-10 :usa:
  21. P

    Some new pixs in my gallery of vca viper & vca ram

    Dont know how to post directly to srt10 discussion, if someone can would appreciate it,pixs of the viper are when we did a road trip(1,831) by ourselves. :usa: :usa:
  22. P

    Bob K

    Where is your coupe,I am sick of this!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :usa: :usa:
  23. P

    hitin the road!

    Leavin in the morning,going east,going where? Dont ask me,i am just the driver.Be back when I get back.Lookin for the last bit of summertime!!!! Will crack the 10k mark in VCA#47.Yell,honk,scream anything if you see me, I will be lookin for you. :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa...
  24. P

    Need to inflict severe pain on myself!!!!!!!

    Just curbed my front wheel on my VCA edition Viper. Now WTF sell them? As far as I know they only did 200 of them for the VCA cars,smoked or black chromed finish.Can California wheel repair &amp; refinish as new? Any suggestion beside maybe beating the _hit out of myself.Anyone know of any for...
  25. P

    Where are they?

    Anyone have any leads on any year ACRS,still on mso WITHOUT the ac,radio add back options? Graphite with stripes would be my first choice. :usa: :usa:

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