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  1. J

    5th Annual Northeast Exotic Car Show Saturday August 16th

    Date: Saturday August 16th, 2008 Time:Show Cars - 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. / Public 10:00 a.m. Rain Date: Sunday August 17th, 2008 Location: Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Merrimack, NH Website: Northeast Exotic Car Show Web Site Plenty of Photos from previous years. This show is a product of the...
  2. J

    My 92 Viper is Up For Sale

    I will be listing my 92 Viper for sale within the next few days. Number 192 with 80k miles on it. The car has a few mods: Air Conditioning Exhaust- Random Tech Catalytic Converters / Magnaflo High Flo Mufflers / Aero Turbine Resonators. Roe Racing Silicone Hose Kit Smooth Tubes with KnN...
  3. J

    NEVCA 2008 Election of Officers

    To all New England Viper Club Members! With the new year comes a new opportunity for it's membership! I will be stepping down as president and the slate of officers up for renewal. If your interested in running for office please send me an e-mail and let me know that you want to help direct...
  4. J

    New England VCA Fall Foliage Cruise Sunday October 14th

    New England VCA Fall Foliage Cruise - Lakes Region NH Sunday October 14th Ok Guys Here is the agenda for next Sunday; We will be meeting in Hooksett, NH at the Rest Stop on RTE 93 North @ 10:00 am. Departing at 10:15... following Rte 93 North to Franconia Notch State Park, exiting at Rte 3...
  5. J

    Stock Mufflers...Anyone want to sell me some?

    With all the aftermarket exhaust mods, people must have some stock mufflers sitting around their garage. I am just about deaf in my right ear from running the race exhaust, and I don't enjoy the noise as much as I used to(Keep in mind I have owned my car for 6 years and put 60k miles on the...
  6. J

    Stock Mufflers...Anyone wanna sell me some?

    With all the aftermarket exhaust mods, people must have some stock mufflers sitting around their garage. I am just about deaf in my right ear from running the race exhaust, and I don't enjoy the noise as much as I used to. So my plan is to keep the high flo cats and put the stock mufflers...
  7. J

    Drag Racing Sunday September 16th - New England Dragway

    Guys- This Sunday is the Annual Mopar Day at New England Dragway. Please contact Tim Cloutier if your interested in going. His e-maill addy is [email protected] Sorry for the short notice, if you decide to go you can just show up. Plan on arriving early... Tim will be there around 8:30. If...
  8. J

    New England VCA Auto-Cross Event Sunday October 21st

    *New England VCA Auto-Cross Event Sunday October 21st* Guys- This years Second Auto-Cross Event is on Sunday October 21st @ FT. Devens in Shirley, MA You need to Pre-Register for the event. This is a joint event with the SVT Mustang Cobra Club, the advantage being that they set up the...
  9. J

    New England VCA TATOR Tech Session Sunday September 9th

    Yes...the New England VCA will have its annual Tator Tech Session on Sunday September 9th @ Jerry Colpitt's Garage in Tewksbury, MA. Subject: Compression Testing on a Viper V10 Engine.
  10. J

    New England VCA Cruise Sunday July 29th...Go Left Young Man

    New England VCA Cruise Sunday July 29th ...Go Left Young Man On Sunday Morning July 29th We will be meeting at 11:00am @ the Irving Gas Station in Plymouth, NH. That is Exit 25 off of Route 93 in New Hampshire. From there we will be following RTE 25 toward Montpelier, VT. Lunch at 2pm in...
  11. J

    Markus... It was my turn today.

    Well I got caught in a bad rain storm in Vermont today on Route 89 South. The road was full of standing water and I hydroplaned out of control going backwards about 70mph. I slid off the shoulder, through some high grass and ended up stopped backed against a granite wall. I wasn't driving my...
  12. J

    Auto-Cross @ FT Devens Saturday August 4th

    Guys- This years Auto-Cross Program Starts on Saturday August 4th @ FT. Devens in Shirley, MA You need to Pre-Register for the event. This is a joint event with the SVT Mustang Cobra Club, the advantage being that they set up the course. For Viper Club members it's an arrive and drive...
  13. J

    New England VCA Auto-Cross Sat August 4th

    Guys- This years Auto-Cross Program Starts on Saturday August 4th @ FT. Devens in Shirley, MA You need to Pre-Register for the event. This is a joint event with the SVT Mustang Cobra Club, the advantage being that they set up the course. For Viper Club members it's an arrive and drive...
  14. J

    This Years Clambake

    On Sunday July 15th we will be having our annual Clam Bake @ The Cote's Estate in Pelham, NH. Yes that's right- Steamer's, Lobster's, Chicken, Steaks, Salads and Deserts. We put on quite a spread for our members and their guest. So e-mail Glenn and lets us know ahead how many to expect this...
  15. J

    New England and Canadian Fall Get Away September 21st-23rd

    New England VCA Fall Get Away at The Balsams Resort / September 21st-23rd, 2007 Attention New England and Canadian Viper Club of America Members- The sign-up for this event has greatly exceeded last years numbers. It looks like we will have a very nice size group of VCA Members to hang out...
  16. J

    2007 Northeast Exotic Car Show ...Saturday August 25th

    Guys- This years Northeast Exotic Car Show is on Saturday August 25th @ The Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Merrimack, NH. More info and pictures from previous shows can be seen here This show is a product of the New England Viper Club and is our annual fundraiser for the NH...
  17. J

    New England Clambake...Sunday July 15th

    What's Happening in July? On Sunday July 15th we will be having our annual Clam Bake @ The Cote's Estate in Pelham, NH. Yes that's right- Steamer's, Lobster's, Chicken, Steaks, Salads and Deserts. We put on quite a spread for our members and their guest. So e-mail Glenn and lets us know ahead...
  18. J

    Clambake @ The Cote's Estate ...Sunday July 15th

    What's Happening in July? On Sunday July 15th we will be having our annual Clam Bake @ The Cote's Estate in Pelham, NH. Yes that's right- Steamer's, Lobster's, Chicken, Steaks, Salads and Deserts. We put on quite a spread for our members and their guest. So e-mail Glenn and lets us know...
  19. J

    Meet and Greet Tech Session this Sunday June 24th

    Guys- This Sunday is the make up date for our Tech Session at Heitz Automotive in Laconia, NH. Details below... Please let Jerry [email protected] know if you will be attending, we need a head count for the Cookout...
  20. J

    June 10th NEVCA Presidential Run 2007

    This Sunday June 10th New England VCA Presidential Run 2007 Guys- I have planned a Cruise for this Sunday. We will be meeting at 11am @ the Stage Road Junction Plaza. This is at the Intersection of Rte 121 and Rte 111 in Hampstead, NH. From there we will travel through some of the more quiet...
  21. J

    Tatortoga BBQ ...Sunday May 20th.

    Guys- Next Sunday is May 20th and the NEVCA is Traveling to Saratoga Springs NY... for this Years Tator BBQ and Car Show (details below). There are two ways to make this trip: a) Drive out on Saturday and stay over for Sunday's BBQ. Chuck has organized dinner Saturday Night if your...
  22. J

    Black Interior Question?

    Does the black interior get so hot it is uncomfortable in the summer heat? Knowing that the AC Unit is challenged to begin with. Honesty please we are talking 45 year old man that thinks about these things.:2tu: Thanks.
  23. J

    New England VCA Cruisin' to The Music...Saturday May 12th

    Let's Go Cruisin' To The Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right fellow viper owners on Saturday May 12, we are going crusin' and heading to Wicked Cas in Kingston N.H. Where we will listen to music and Car stereos... In Particular my new custom car stereo. My Viper has been at...
  24. J

    Let's Go Cruisin' To The Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's right fellow viper owners on Saturday May 12, we are going crusin' and heading to Wicked Cas in Kingston N.H. Where we will listen to music and Car stereos... In Particular my new custom car stereo. My Viper has been at Wicked Cas for three weeks prior and will have a Custom Stereo...
  25. J

    Regional Website Problem

    Guys- Right now we are unable to make changes and update our regional website (details below). If you guys can reply to Dave Dugal the NEVCA Webmaster and past President, his e-mail address is [email protected] . Thanks,-Jeff >> We're having a new authentication problem with...

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