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  1. K

    Will OEM 17" from a 96' fit a 99'

    Will OEM 17\" from a 96\' fit a 99\' I'm sending my 18" stock wheels off for chrome and a friend of mine has a set of 17" stock wheels and tires and I was wondering if they will fit instead of putting it up on blocks. Thanks :confused:
  2. K


  3. K

    Harrisburg on Sunday

    I posted the time on the GenI/II forum probably not the right place, but the day will be here and gone before you know it. :)
  4. K

    Harrisburg on Sunday

    Let's meet up at the Grantville rest area on Sunday 4/18 at 11:00 so we are all sure of the meeting place and cruise from there. I see Venom1000 is interested also. Maybe we can hook up with him also along the way. My home phone is 717-652-7439. We can swap cell#'s prior to Sunday. Looks like...
  5. K

    buck & surge

    A friends 98 GTS with 10k miles tends to buck and surge at low rpm's and low speeds, any suggestions? :confused:
  6. K

    DIN cable

    what color wire in the DIN cable coming from the radio to the amp is for the "remote" power supplied to the amp. I am adding another amp for the front speakers. :usa:
  7. K

    Vipers and Motorcycles

    Are there any Viper owners that have motorcylces planning to attend Bikeoctoberfest? If so maybe we can set a time and place to hook up down there.
  8. K

    Another Newbie

    Hi all, picked up my first snake 4 months ago and already have done some mods after following the forum. great advice thanks

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