Hi all
I recently rediscovered my OEM 2013 Service Manual CD.
I went to use it and discovered that you must use Internet Explorer (IE) to use the CD.
Well, I dont have IE on my computer anymore and I am looking for a work around. Anyone have an idea?
Steve A.
Hi All,
I am looking to see if anyone has tried and had any luck touching up the the Sidewinder II's ?
These are not the deep black ones but the lighter version.
Steve A.
Hi guys,
I looking for anyone that might have info on the Comp Coupe in the pic. It was used in the publicity run against an F-16 in Arizona a number of years ago. I have several of the body panels from that car including the rare dual sided refueling ports roof assembly.
Wanting to know...
hi all,
Looking for a .eps, .ai or pdf file of the Viper comp Coupe logo from back in the day.
Black and white or line drawing is fine.
Thanks in advance,
I am trying to update my Viper Paint Code data base. Can anyone tell me the paint codes for the 2013-2014 STRIPE colors?
Bright White
I just purchased a CD version of the 2013 Service Manual from Chrysler Tech Authority so I know its legit.
I installed the SVG reader as the instructions said, and I can get the title page of the manual. When I try to get any data, It says nothing is available for that model.
I seem to...
Just acquired a new 13 track pack.
While looking at it on my hoist, I noticed that the ducting for the rear brakes is dangling at the opening of the wheel well liner.
Is there something else that is supposed to connect to the duct to be become functional?
Got a 98 in the garage and the temp sensor in the head behind the power steering pump has died.
Can anyone tell me the part number of he sensor? It has 4 wires coming out of the plug. fans wont work without it.
Dodge dealer cant even find it in the parts book.
A multi part question..
Will 18's (track wheels) fit on the rear of a gen V or will they hit the ebrake like they did on my Gen 3 without the ebrake relocation kit?
If they won’t fit, is anyone making a relocation kit to fit the Gen V's?
Looking for updated info on the 650 HP mopar Kit.
With the exception of a 4 page series of posts the started back in '12, including the posts by that wierd guy that kept trying to bust Dan's chops (Viper Specialty), not much definitive stuff has been posted. Little if anything is available in...
The title kinda says it all. The flywheel that uses the OEM style clutch, NOT the Tilton one
I have one on my '04 and love it.
I have a Fidanza on my '06 and not so much.
THey were both changed within 30 days of each other and new clutches installed at the same time.
If anyone has one they...
Hi all,
I am building a Gen 3 display motor for some garage art. The crank that I have does not have the timing gear on it.
Does anyone have an old timing gear they would part with VERY cheaply or free? I'll pay the postage..
Hi all,
I am looking for a Driving school recommendation.
I would like to get some professional instruction to improve my driving skills. I don't consider myself a slouch by any means. I have years of track experience in my snake and I have run some NARRA and NASA events in Time Trials.
I am...
I just placed an ad in the classisfied for a slightly used Team Tech Harness. Excellent condition. I bought a HANS and HANS compatable harness (also Team Tech) is the reason for the sale.
Let me know if you have questions...
Hey guys I am in the dog house.
I had the wheels off of my '04 vert to do some cleaning. I try to be careful anytime I working on the car, but this time I nicked the caliper when putting on the heavyweight 10 spokes.
My wife saw it, and to say the least she is not happy. And as every man knows...
I have a question specifically for the ACR-X owners out there. It has to do with the sway bars that came on the cars. I am trying to find out what the diameters are.
Can anyone help me please?
I am going to be helping a friend set up his ACR for some regular high speed track time.
I have lots of Moton set up experience but I have limited experience with ACR shocks. I drove his car and it is mushy soft on the factory settings.
Had my side sills off to correct a broken exhaust hanger. The insulation that is originally bonded to the inside of the sill disbonded again.
Anyone have the hot ticket to "re-glue" the insulation back on again?
Steve A.
Now before all you start thinking why didn't I use the search function my questions today haven't been asked previously.
I am going to put a catch can on '06 as I need a way to control the oil that come out of the front mounted vent tubes when I am on the track.
I decided I am going to use an...
Winter continues to rear its ugly head in Wisconsin. Although not quite as often but its still here.
Today was sunny, and so I deceided to put up a couple of pics of the "New Shoes".
I want to thank Steve Schardt from Forgeline on the awesome wheels, great customer Service and a great...
I need to swap out an axle due to a torn boot on my '06 coupe. Can someone tell me what size socket I need to remove the nut at the end of the axle?
I know I dont have the right size and I actually have some time today to work on the car. Lord kn0ows when we will be able to drive them here in...
Good Morning all,
I need to swap out an axle due to a torn boot on my '06 coupe. Can someone tell me what size socket I need to remove the nut at the end of the axle?
I know I dont have the right size and I actually have some time today to work on the car. Lord kn0ows when we will be able to...
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