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  1. P

    V-10 Partygoers

  2. P

    Bye Bye ACR

    Hello Gallardo Superleggera Arancio Borealis (Pearl Orange) Arrival next Tuesday. Still have the GTS...:)
  3. P

    Viper gathering on Long Island

    Thought I would repost this fairly short video of last Sundays NY/CT cruise out to the Hamptons for brunch. Had about 28 Vipers or so, plus a few Lambo's and a GT-R. Perfect weather day and Vipers from every generation and color. Enjoy...
  4. P

    RT/10 crash on LIE

    Saw a picture in Newsday today of an accident on the LIE. Def a Gen 2 RT/10 upside down. Light color with dual dark stripes and stock wheels. Anybody know them?
  5. P

    My 97 GTS is for sale

    Anyone interested in a classic 1997 Blue and White GTS with very low mileage (15650) in excellent condition check out my ad in the classifieds. Going to ad more pictures of interior etc, but many guys in the NY/CT club can vouch for the car. No cleaner B&W to be found considering it's 15 years...
  6. P

    PythonPete is a new Dad

    Congrats are in order for PythonPete and his wife Barbara who welcomed their first child into the world this morning at 10:05 am. His name is Mason. Considering his father he's a pretty good looking kid...;)
  7. P

    Anyone near Richardson Texas?

    Forgive my geographical stupidity but I think this is the right local forum? If anyone is in the area of Richardson and would like to visit Lamborghini Dallas to look at one or two cars I would be vary appreciative. Need a very discerning eye to check out two Gallardo's. Drop me a PM for...
  8. P

    You can't touch this..

    No front plate ticket #7...thank you very much. :2tu: Some people just never learn...
  9. P

    Complete spec sheet

    Courtesy Bernie at Tomball Dodge website: First thing I notice is two standard colors (red and black) on base SRT, others $optional$
  10. P

    PythonPete's gonna be jealous....

    Cause this guy knows how to roll....
  11. P

    BBurago GOT the memo....

    These guys read the release
  12. P

    When the Gen 2 coupe was announced...

    Hey old timers....:) Was there the same hysteria as there seems to be now with the Gen 5? People worried about being able to buy one.. Where there spyshots out showing the Blue and White color?
  13. P

    Dodge to release a Viper Gen 5 teaser video?

    Oh excuse me....Drive/SRT... Correction: Apparently it is an "image" not a video.
  14. P

    55 degrees on New Years Day!

    This is why I never put the car away just because the calendar says its winter. See you on the road New Years Day...........:2tu:
  15. P

    Well that's it for Captree

    According to this thread on the Corvette forum, now the cops are pulling on the front plates down at Captree to make sure they are legally "securely" attached. A Jon B snap-on holder won't fly. Simply amazing that this is a priority with them now...
  16. P

    Lawyer recommendation speeding ticket Long Island

    So.....decide to air out the GTS today on the Northern State Parkway as I have done a few thousand times but a parkway cop objected to it. Got a 90 in a 55 speeding ticket which is plus +31 so requires an appearance. Not good. Anyone use or know of a local trafffic lawyer to help get it...
  17. P

    Toys 4 Tots Sunday 11/20

    I'll be going if anyone wants to hang out for worthy cause. The meet is in Plainview then cruise to Garden City.
  18. P

    Who got snow?

    Nothing here on north Long Island, but looks like NJ and CT got pounded. Can't believe this happened before Halloween....hopefully some rain will wash the streets for you poor unfortunates.
  19. P

    New 2010 SSG ACR

    Congrats to Mark (Mopar488) on his new SSG ACR #11 of 30! :2tu: Here are some pics of the new monster!
  20. P

    Great pic of Steve's ACR

    In the latest Viper mag on page 33. Congrats on your success at the New Jersey event and getting in the mag!
  21. P

    Thank you Jon

    For the Uber-cool 'Ring stickers!
  22. P


    As mentioned in the ring thread, the webmaster for Bridge to Gantry site has been trying to register. Here is his email. It says his username is taken but probably because he register it already. He can't activate account. Can you check this out? His email is: [email protected] Dear...
  23. P

    Viper photos on Flickr

    Link to Viper group photos on Flickr from various sources:

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