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  1. J

    Need a little HELP. 99 RT/10 will not stay running without giving it gas...

    Hey all I need a little help, My Viper has been sitting for about a year, I did not intend for it to be "stored" at that time so I never actually put it away properly and it was slow on fuel approx. 1/4 tank maybe. I changed the oil last week and tightened the valve cover gaskets and a few other...
  2. J

    POST PICS of your TRUNK!! Need some ideas...

    Just curious what you all have done wth your trunks. I have an Aerospace Duel Nitrous Bottle bracket and some gauges...however it just looks to plain everywhere else around it. So I am interested in doing something custom to my truck, maybe remounting the bottles to the sides and making the...
  3. J

    GATEWAY VCA MEMBERS - Where should I take my Viper to be DETAILED?

    I'm wanting to get my Viper completely detailed, I'm talking buffed out to the shine she deserves instead of my crappy wax jobs. I don;t have the balls to take a buffer to my car in fear of screwing something up. I've never even Clay Bared it (I honestly have no idea what that is) yah I know...
  4. J

    Picture of my Viper Cake :)

    Just thought i'd share a Picture of the cake my wife had made for my 30th Birthday yesterday! Pretty Awesome! Definitely the best looking cake i've ever had!
  5. J

    Plagued with Oil Leaks! Leaking...Valve Cover Gaskets?

    So ever since 2 yrs ago when I hit something on the highway and punctured my Oil Cooler it seems i'm plagued with Oil Leak problems. AFter the first Oil Cooler was replaced. Last year I must have hit something else and punctured the new oil cooler so right now i'm in the process of repairing it...
  6. J

    OIL COOLER - Repair or Replace?

    So for the SECOND TIME. My Oil Cooler has been punctured (only minor this time, but it still slowly leaks). First time a guy didn't tie down stuff in his trailer and I smacked a half broken window frame at 70MpH that was in the middle of the highway which damaged my fascia and punctured a hole...
  7. J

    Viper Winter STORAGE? Car Capsule?

    Well HEY EVERYONE!! It's been a LONG time since i've been on here. Busy busy with daily life etc and the Viper has been on the back burner lately. Anyway WOW this site has changed so much and my avatar says i'm an "Enthusiest" can i get that changed BTW? Anyway looking to store my baby...
  8. J

    HOW MUCH IS MY VIPER WORTH - MAY NEED to sell... need some advice/comments :(

    Hey everyone, sorry for not being around lately i've been VERY busy with working and full time night classes. I need some help/adive/comments.... So I've been doing A LOT of thinking lately. I just got out of the Marine Corps coming on 2 years in October. I loved being a Marine but the tight...
  9. J

    Soft Top broken, how can I fix it.

    I have a 97-02 Viper Soft Top, but it must have been dropped at some point because the front corner of the front brace bar has a break through it. It's a clean break but I have no idea how to fix it or where to find a replacement part. The rest of the top is in GREAT condition, I just noticed...
  10. J

    PICTURE someone did for me..

    Just thought i'd share, a guy on another forum did this for me a while back and I fogot to show it to you fellas.
  11. J

    Black W/Silver stripes GTS in Millstadt, Illinois?

    My best friend spotted a Black or Saphire Blue GTS with Silver stripes today. Anyone know who this is?:dunno:
  12. J

    Front window brow sticker... need a new one.

    I bought a sticker form a member on here a while back. I'm in need of a new one or just the V & I in Viper Rt/10 for the front window brow. Anyone know who he is so i can contact him:dunno:. I checked my old PM's but it must have been erased when we got the new system a while back. Thanks in...
  13. J

    How can I get MY Viper in the VIPER MAGAZINE?

    Just wondering how it would be possible to get my Viper in the Viper magazine. Is it a lost cause because it's a 99' ? I'd love to frame a Viper magaine with my Viper in it or on the cover. Any ideas, i've spent a lot in upgrades, and I personally think it's worthy of being in the magazine, but...
  14. J

    Grr... had some brake problems, now I need a part.

    well I was driving home from work about a week ago :drive:and I was merging onto another highway but had to slow quickly:omg: AHHHHHHHHHHHH NO BRAKES, so I did what a normal Viper driver would do:cool: I downshifted and used the e-brake to stop from plowing into the car in front of me. NOT FUN...
  15. J

    Just got my FIRST Speeding ticket this morning....GRRRR

    SO needless to say it has not been a good morning. I've been staying up late working on papers for school, and some how woke up a little late this morning. SO I decided since it's been raining like crazy lately the past few days and this is the nicest day of the week. So i'll drive the Viper and...
  16. J

    Who has STRIPES on a DIAMONDBACK hood?

    Just curious who has stripes on a diamondback hood. I know a few people have them and I was wanting to see pictures and ask a few questions. I went to pick up my Viper after it has been in the shop over a month (long story for another thread). So I show up and the stripes were not done...
  17. J

    Need new STREET tires. Blah... Question...

    Ok ok I HATE street tires BUT, WHEN i return home SEPTEMBER 18th from getting OUT of the Marine Corps I will be taking my girlfriend on a little road trip from Southern Illinois (where I live ) to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Well anyone who knows me, knows I usually only run BFG's...BUT Mountains =...
  18. J

    Need Hood hinges, can anyone help me out?

    I sold my Gen II hood and my Diamondback should be coming next week, it has already been picked up by the shipping company. I need to find the hood latches. I believe their are two latches up front and the 4 guides for it. Anyone know where i can find these for cheap?
  19. J

    Opinions needed. Who Thinks.......

    So give me your opinions, since seeing pattymelts viper with rear diffuser fins i've though about adding some to my RT/10. Who thinks rear diffuser fins would look good on my RT/10? Give me your opinions.
  20. J

    Where can i FIND the hood GRILLS? Plus latch?

    OK well i need the hood grills. I sold my old hood with everything on it. Now i need the grills (black) and the small latches. I looked on e-bay but i couldn't find any? Anyone know where i can get these for hopefully cheap?
  21. J

    GROUP BUY on R&J EMBLEMS over in the Gen II forum. Anyone intrested?

    Just curious if any of you Gen III guys are intrested in getting in on a group buy on R&J emblems. Chrome, custom lettering any color, so check it out and let me know. Here is the Thread and it includes prices. Come on i know someone needs some emblems...
  22. J

    "GROUP BUY" On R&J Distributing VIPER EMBLEMS Who wants in?

    \"GROUP BUY\" On R&J Distributing VIPER EMBLEMS Who wants in? I am going to set up a "group buy" on Emblems from R&J distributing. :cool: Chrome, black, red, whatever color. I'm getting a set of chrome. If anyone is intrested in getting in on the group buy then let me know. I sold my old...
  23. J

    My Viper is in Domestic Driver magazine. I made the cover !

    Just thought i'd post it up. Domestic Driver is an online magazine, i submitted an article and pictures and wouldn't you know i made the cover! Just thought it was pretty cool. It's just a small magazine but ONE DAY i'll be in the big time magazines. Gotta start somewhere right? Here is just a...
  24. J

    Check out the VIDEO i made!

    I threw together a little video using pictures and two small video clips. Let me know what you guys think. ENJOY! :2tu: OK so i jut re-uploaded it, it might take a good 10 minutes so you'll have to be patient. i hope the quality is better.
  25. J

    SOLD my Gen II hood!! See that was fast!

    Just confirmed the sale and he will be making a down payment today. I lowered my price a bit to give him a better deal, $4,600.00 and he is coming to pick it up so i don't have to hassle with shipping. See that only took a little over 1 week. DIAMONDBACK HERE I COME WAHOOO!

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