Search results

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    Hood Grill Screws

    Hi Guys Took off my hood "speakers" and lost a screw in the hood and can't seem to get it back. I don't suppose anyone has one they can sell or part with? Thanks
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    Amsoil Dot 4

    Anyone use Amsoil Dot 4 brake fluid when changing the clutch fluid? Any issues. Thanks
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    Valve Cover Breather Kit

    Thinking of getting one. Does anyone have one, or know anything about this one. Thanks
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    Headlight Adjustment

    Hi Guys Tried searching but couldn't find any good how to's. I'm looking to adjust the headlights forward closer the the fascia. I have a gap between the headlight and the fascia and I know the headlights need to be moved forward. Do I need to remove the splash guards in the wheels wells?
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    Looking for NorCal Mats

    I'm looking for a set of front NorCal mats for a 96 GTS Blue Black with blue logo and viper insignia. Let me know if you have. Pair for sale Thanks
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    Headlights for Sale

    Hi Guys I have a pair of near mint Gen 3 head lights in box. PM me with your email and I will send pics. Price is 900$ for the pair. They list for $843.00 each online.
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    For Sale: Muffler Delete, console, tires

    I have a used muffler delete in excellent condition, a used but mint console, and used 97 tires in excellent condition for anyone looking for originals PM me if interested Thanks
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    Fascia Seal replacement

    Where can one get the black rubber seal that goes across the inside top of the front fascia? It's the rubber seal that the front of the hood sits on, u can see it between the fascia and hood when it's closed
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    WTB: 96 GTS fascia

    I'm looking for a b/w front fascia for a 96 GTS that is in excellent condition. Thanks
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    Still Leaking Oil

    Changed the rear main seal and gasket. Drove it back home and bone dry even the next day. Today two drops on the floor and sure enough looked underneath there's a couple of drips. Anyone else experience this, mines 96 GTS.
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    96 GTS spark plug wires too short

    I ordered a new set of spark plug Mopar Wires and number 4, and 9 are too short on the new set. Had the dealership order another #4 and it was too short as well. Anyone else experience an issue like this. Dealership gave the VIN/Year when ordering before hand as well.
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    Ottawa Area Vipers

    Just wanted to to see how many ottawa area viper owners are on the board. We need to build a bigger presence in Ottawa where Viper owners actually get together to enjoy their Vipers.
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    Wanted: 96 GTS Oil Dipstick

    Hi Guys I'm looking for a oil dipstick for a 96 GTS. The 96 has the red plastic right below the black handle of the dipstick. Let me Know Thanks
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    Wanted: Heat Shields for side sills

    Hi Guys I'm looking for both the driver and passenger outer sill heat shields. Please let me know if you have any for sale. Thanks
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    Front Fascia Installation

    Can anyone provide a complete proper front fascia install tutorial?
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    Fuel Pump

    Might need to replace my fuel pump. What are people replacing it with? Thanks
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    Mystery oil leak

    When the engine is just idling no leak, but if I drive it and put it under a load it leaks under neith. I put some engine dye and still very hard to figure out where it's coming from. Already changed the oil pan gasket and torqued the bolts properly to spec. Could it be the rear mine seal??
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    Torque spec on oil pan bolts ??

    Hi guys What's the torque rate on the oil pan bolts 96 GTS
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    Wanted Side Sill Heat Shield

    Hi Guys I'm looking for a driver side heat shield for a 96 GTS. Looking for one with the brown backing ie 96 Let me know Thanks
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    Where to get wheels chromed

    Hi Guys Looking to get my wheels and gas cover chromed. Any suggestions? I called calchrome any other places etc Thanks
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    Fuel Filter Part

    Hi guys Oem fuel filter is apparently discontinued. Went to the local store and their computer is saying part GKI-CH11-Fuel-Filter is good for the 1992-2002 vipers. Has anyone installed this filter? Or have another part number?? Thanks
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    Hard to Start

    Hi Guys It takes a long time for my 96 GTS to finally start. I have tried turning the ignition key off and on several times to allow the fuel pump to turn off and on but still that doesn't work either any ideas? Fuel filter?, bad fuel pump, Fuel regulator ?
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    What kind of engine coolent

    Hi Guys Need to change the engine coolent in the 96 GTS. What kind of coolent is recommended? Thanks
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    Front Fascia Install

    Looking for instructions/how to guide/video on how to properly reinstall the front fascia so that there are no gaps below the headlights etc. Has anyone made such a tutorial etc, would be great if you can post it
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    Wanted: 96 GTS key fob, Catback Exhaust

    Hi Guys Looking for 1. 96 GTS remote key fob 2. Mopar, Borla, Corsa exhaust 3. MGW Stryker Shift Knob Satin Let me know if you have anything for sale new or used Thanks