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  1. C

    Rain mode on 2014 Vipers A few more details on the billet silver paint and the new blue and the carbon edition.
  2. C

    First Model T Plant museum and CAAP Tour pics

    I was in Detroit area for the last couple of weeks and I went on a couple of plant tours. I got to visit one of the earliest auto factories, the original Model T plant in Piquette. It was pretty neat, and there's a bunch of interesting facts that I never...
  3. C

    Tire Rack special with Michelin Pilot & Ron Fellows

    Hmmm...didn't notice this anywhere else but I was browsing the Tire Rack website and saw this: Get a $ 500 certificate to Ron Fellows Performance Driving School when you buy a set of four Michelin Pilot tires exclusively at Tire Rack. July 8 – August 18, 2013. Looks like the qualifying tires...
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    Wiper fluid not spraying

    Is there a quick way get at the line? I can hear the motor working but the line isn't clearing...maybe I have some junk in the line or it's kinked. It sputtered for a little bit after a long pull on the wiper arm but nothing is spraying. Wiper fluid reservoir was low but not empty...
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    Flooding in Southern Alberta

    Hope everyone is safe and that your Vipers aren't turned into canoes. :omg:
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    60yo woman takes her 11-sec. AMG to the track From the article: "As it turns out, drag racing is even a family affair, too, as her husband hits the strip in a second-gen Dodge Viper."...
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    Now we'll never hear the end of it. ZR1 defeats Cobra UH1

    Not the Ford Cobra. A Cobra attack helicopter. Can any snake beat the ZR1?
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    Race Capture Pro

    Looks like a cheap way to get telemetry. Open source etc. Hope they actually make it. 10 hours left from now to get in on this at their introductory price.
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    Interesting Comment on Autoblog Redacted slightly for clarity... Wonder what that's supposed to mean, and if it really is Ralph commenting.
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    Best place for Viper service in Edmonton area

    Any recommendations for dealer/non-dealer service for Vipers in Edmonton? Looking for simple installation stuff to begin with (need to install short shifter, exhaust etc.) and dealer involved stuff (Mopar PCM) as well as regular service stuff. Red Deer is OK too but I'd hate to have to drive to...
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    Just picked up a Red/Black ACR...

    ...a couple of weeks ago. 2008 Red/Black. Drove it home 1100km in a day, that was a fun 11 hour trip and finally got all my paperwork finished on the registration and inspections etc. Now that it's finally here (paperwork wise), I've decided to join the VCA as well. :D
  12. C

    New Viper Owner, 2008 ACR

    Hi Guys, After many years I've finally decided to join the Viper faithful. Just picked up a 2008 ACR (Red/Black) that was listed in the classifieds here. Anyhow just saying hi.
  13. C

    Viper in danger...

    Hi guys, First time poster here, long-time lurker. At the risk of sounding inflammatory, I just wished to alert you guys to the possibility of the next generation Viper being cancelled. Before you start dismissing me as a crackpot or Viper hater, I have driven a Viper and I am totally hooked...

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