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  1. S

    GTS Hood on a SRT

    Went to my local Dealer tonight and they have a Stryker Green 14 SRT equipped with a GTS Hood. Thought it was strange. SRT apparently want this Car back to equip it with the correct hood but the dealer is going to keep it the way it is. Figures it could be the only one.
  2. S

    2010 Final Edition at Auction

    At the Electric Garage Auction tonight and a 2010 Final Edition Coupe with 5100 Kms and a Rebuilt Title brought $82500 and the guy had a reserve of $100000.00. I would of jumped on the 82500 myself and let it go. It will probably get run through again tomorrow. Also a 94 RT/10 at the same...
  3. S

    No More Key in Drivers Door

    I went to the dealership and seen a new Gen V, First time I had seen one and was very impressed with everything on the car. One thing i did notice that I could not find the hidden key on the drivers door like the older cars. Did they move it to a different location? I guess probably not needed...
  4. S

    Firestone Firehawk Tires

    Anyone here have any experience with these tires, Buddy of mine wants to put them on his Corvette and he is a little green when it comes to buying tires. He just bought the car and it needs rubber. I know some of the members have Corvettes and would like some input good, bad, ugly.
  5. S

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all of our Viper friends, Hopefully the Mopar Gods brought everything you Wanted and Wished for. We did as we got moved into our new home and Man Cave (Pics Later when organized) :D:D
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    2 New ACR's in Red Deer

    Final Edition ACR at Northwest Motors & a 1.33 Edition ACR at Southside Chrysler, Very cool cars !!!!!!! :D:D
  7. S

    VOI 10 Viper in Alberta

    Was on the way to work Tuesday down by Hanna and I got passed by a VOI 10 Coupe with Alberta plates, Any one know who this Owner is or maybe a member here. Couldn't keep up to catch him as I was in my truck.:D:D
  8. S

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

    This is to all of our Viper friends ( New & Old) from the Western :can1: VCA that we met on our runs to Harrison Hot Springs and Kelowna, and of course to the rest of the Viper Nation. Cindy & Myself wish you and your families a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Hopefully you all will get some...
  9. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    I know it is early and the snow is up to our a**, But lets all get talking and get things on a roll so come September we are Ready to Roll, We are heading down to Salt Lake and I am sure others will want to come along. Anyone that wants to come with us is Very Welcome.:drive::D:D
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    Kelowna Event

    Who is going to Kelowna from Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary? Lets get together and convoy out. We were thinking Friday Morning to head out from Red Deer, Any Others? :drive:
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    Dead 2006 Coupe

    I had parked my 06 coupe 2 months ago as my 08 Roadster came in, Went to Start and move it and it is Stone Dead, No Problem, Charged up the battery and my hand held meter says 13.2 volts, Should Start, No it won't supply enough Power to unlock the doors, Put a boost from one of my other cars...
  12. S

    Clear Bra on Side sills

    Has anyone had clear bra installed on the side sills, and if so How does it handle heat?
  13. S

    How Many Cars at VOI 10

    Just wondering if we have a car count on how many will be at VOI 10.:drive:
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    Striped Cars

    Does anyone know why on the striped cars only, Prefix blacks out the rear panel, Non striped are body colour.:D
  15. S

    The Speed Run

    A buddy of mine just sent this info to me, It is called The Speed Run 2008, Apperently this is going to happen in Central Alberta sometime this summer, They are closing off 5 miles of highway and you can go as fast as possible:drive:, Suppose to be legal event. Cost is $2500.00 to run your car...
  16. S

    Viper Serial Numbers

    Does anyone know if the Viper Serial Numbers are one after the other. Reason being my car is in D Status (no build date as of yet) and I seen on Ebay a Coupe with a serial # 60 digits higher than my serial #. If they are one after the other which I would think they are, Then mine should be...
  17. S

    D to D1

    Does anyone out in Snake Country know how long a Viper is in D before going to D1 and have a build date:drive:

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