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    Catalytic Converter Failed Inspection

    I just got a call from the auto-shop (NJ state certified inspection) and he said the car is failing because the catalytic converter sensor is "no ready" or something to that effect. He believes it is fine since the check engine light is not on. He suspects that possible the battery drained or...
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    Cruise Saturday or Sunday Morning

    Anyone up for a cruise in Northern NJ this weekend? Looking to drive around in the AM, possibly like 9am til noon or something. If anyone is up for it... post here.
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    Is The Viper An ANTI-CHICK MAGNET?

    Now that I am spending yet another summer with the GTS, I have made the following observations on the car's "magnetism": Here's who it attracts: 1. Teenage boys 2. Adolescents of all types 3. Car guys 4. The occasional woman, but it is very, very, very rare. And she usually has tats, a pack of...
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    Dead Battery, Difficult To Start

    Like a big boob I left the lights on, on my '01 GTS. I came back to the car about 2 hours later. It was a dead as a doorknob. I had to jump it. But this was really strange (I think)... it would start (took a few tries to get enough juice in the batter) and then after about 3 seconds the...
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    Rating Road Conditions

    I was recently talking with a fellow Viper owner, and we were discussing the best routes to drive in the area. One of the big "rating points" was the quality of the pavement. The question I have is how should the quality of pavement be rated? I mean, beyond just - bad and good. What...
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    Chrysler In Talks To Sell Viper

    I am probably not the first to post this, but just in case... this article went live a few hours ago: Chrysler in talks with 2 or 3 companies to sell Dodge Viper - Mar. 3, 2009
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    Viper Story from The TPE

    I included my Viper story in the book. It's a two pager that I put in the book... It's under the title "How To Drive Dangerously Fast, Safely" Sorry to Porsche guys, but I just had to get a dig in. :D
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    Viper Proud - Cribs Video

    I hope I served the Viper community well. This is a video from my company's blog. It is a mock "cribs" video, and highlight my Viper at the end. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | VIDEO - Mike’s Vlog on Cribs To fast forward, just watch from 3:38 to the end (about 30 secs) - Mike
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    It's Official - The Viper In My Book!!!

    I am such a Viper fan, that owning one is (almost) not enough. So... I negotiated with the powers that be, and we included a story about the Viper in my book ("on shelves" at Amazon in October)! I'll share the section, once I figure out how the heck to get it into a JPG format. Vipers rule!
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    Differential Help Needed!

    Here's the dealio: 1. My differential is going, going, almost gone. 2. I need to replace it. 3. I have a 2001 GTS, with mods that have it at about 500hp. 4. I don't know much at all about cars (except that I love driving them). So... I need help! 1. Where is the best place to get...
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    Kudos to Chuck Tator

    Based on the consistent high regards Chuck gets on these boards, plus his 25% discount during May, I elected to buy an A/C compressor from him. It was installed today and works great. My kudos are not for his discount, while it is much appreciated. I was most impressed by his professional...
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    Viper Crash Pictures

    My morbid curiosity has the best of me. I was curious how many crash pictures were out there. I looked through the forum search and only found a few here and there. Post your crash pictures. If there is a hot bikini girl standing next to the photo, you get bonus points.
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    Celebrity (Famous) Viper Owners

    I was just reading an article about Hulk Hogan's son, and was wondering who all the celebrity's and other famous/in-famous people that own(ed) a Viper are. 1. Nick Bollea (Hulk Hogan's kid). 2. Jon Bon Jovi (Don't know if he still has it) 3. Chris Farley (Goes on sale every 3 months on...
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    Midnight Madness Cruise - July 17th

    Here is the idea: 1. 10pm Depart from Northern NJ (around route 80/287 intersection). 2. Drive across the GWB (views at this time at night are incredible, traffic is (typically) negligible). 3. Drive down the West Side Highway (more incredible views), through the Battery Tunnel...
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    Just Beautiful

    I was browsing e-bay, dreaming of the next car, and I swear there is not a single car out there that is better looking than a GTS. Nothing. Squat. Jack Shee-aattt! I LOVE THE VIPER!!!!
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    Matchbox Viper GTS's Wanted

    I have enough kids (and parents) who wave and check out the Viper, that I thought it would be cool to let them have a picture in the car and give them a Matchbox GTS as a gift. I was checking 'em out on Ebay, but to get them it is one here and one there. It costs about $5/car PLUS a huge...
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    AC Compressor

    My AC Compressor is leaking - I get cold air for about a week or two before it needs to be recharged. I had the dye put in and sure enough the AC Compressor is spewing. Where is a good place to get a new one, reasonably priced? Gen II - GTS /2001
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    PS2's Going On Tomorrow

    Based upon everyone's feedback, I ordered a new set of Michelin PS2's. They arrived today and go on tomorrow. I will report back on the experience.... in the meantime, I need to burn up my existing tires.
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    Removing Swirls

    While I recognize this topic has been discussed a few times, I want to ask it again since I want to consider a few options. How do I remove swirls from my Viper (I have sapphire blue): 1. Can it be done without power tools? 2. Can it be put in the hands of a detailer? 3. If power tools are...
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    Even The Harvard Boys Are Talking About The Viper

    Cool article about Lutz and the gut instinct that brought about the Viper: When to Trust Your Gut
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    Tinted Windows

    Does anyone have their windows tinted, in a state were it is illegal? I am in NJ and think that tinted windows look great, but would prefer not to get in trouble or fined. Also, if you do get tinted windows and get busted what are the repercussions?
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    It's Been So Long Since I Drove My Viper That...

    ...I forgot it had a sixth gear! (sad, but true).
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    What Are the Best Tires to Buy?

    My tires are getting ready to go. I want to get good cruising tires (not track tires)... with some life and some stick to them. What tires would make my ride the best? I have a 2001 GTS.
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    I See a Viper in Gran Turismo 5

    I think there is a graphite with silver stripes Viper toward the middle of the pack...

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