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  1. M

    How do you break an OSG diff?

    Like this. Lost a lot of transmission fluid as you can guess from that 'extra hole' caused by a 'free' crown gear securing bolt. Opened it up and it looked like this. Way to many loose crown gear bolts - 5 out of the 10 had sheared - the rest were loose (finger tight)...
  2. M

    Sport shims

    Has anyone got any track day experience of running in SPORT MODE :headbang: with the sport shims removed? :drive: I was thinking about giving it a go at a track event in a few weeks but thought I'd ask the great and good first.:D
  3. M

    Donate here for paul lacey

    Some of you may already have heard about the unexpected death of Paul Lacey, one of our most long standing UK region Viper Club members. Paul was such an inspirational member of our community for such a long time he will be greatly missed by us all. Paul passed away peacefully last weekend...
  4. M

    Kangarooing at low RPM

    I recently started experiencing the car bucking/kangarooing at low speed - nothing too dramatic although a quick clutch dump prevents anything too ugly happening. It happens at low rpm when the engine is pretty much unloaded - you know those moments when you're cuising at 20mph down the high...
  5. M

    Normally Aspirated power upgrade on a Gen 2 (96)

    Normally Aspirated power upgrade on a Gen 2 (96) Heads and Headers Replacement “At last Winter’s here!” Well, almost here. Most people aren’t general too pleased to see winter arrive but this year “I am” because at last I can begin my long awaited winter project. I started planning this over...
  6. M

    Upper Radiator Hose Bleeder Kit

    Does anyone know where I can get one of these from because I want one but Sean Roe has discontinued them? Many thanks, Ade.
  7. M

    WANTED - Gen 3 rockers & rods

    WANTED - Stock Gen 3 rockers & rods Does anyone have a set of stock Gen 3 roller rockers tucked away in the garage they don't want any more? Push rods would be good too. I wanna do a project over winter and need the stock rockers and rods. Many thanks. Ade.
  8. M

    Help needed with installing a rear brake line prroportioning Valve

    I'm trying to install a Wilwood Proportioning Valve on the rear brake line of my 96 GTS to enable fine throttle adjustment of the rear brakes. Has anyone got any experience of doing this type of job because I’m struggling with finding the right size brake pipe fittings or anyone that supplies...

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