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  1. K

    Dodge Viper "KNG" Diffuser Blades

    For those who have been around for a bit you most likely have seen my diffuser blades posting. I am making another batch so if anyone on this forum would like a set please let me know. There are links below to a lot of photos. I am back from deployment and I will be in VA during Thanksgiving...
  2. K

    Finished retrofit projectors with etching

    So I finally installed the etched lenses. Took a bit to get them engraved right. Ill see how the lenses grow on me. They don't stand out that much which keeps them suttle and me happy. Now I will say the camera doesn't do this justice. The logos glow when the lights are on is amazing. Light...
  3. K

    Selling a brand new set of Stoptech front brake lines

    SSelling a set of brand new Stoptech front Stainless Steel Brake lines. This kit is unused, I decided to go with a different setup with my BBK because I did not want to rework the Stoptech bracket that comes with the kit. The part number is 950.63007. Price is 100 shipped to your door. This kit...
  4. K

    Under Carpet Cleaning Question

    I know some of you have had your heater core go and leak inside the car. I was smelling a sour smell in my car so I ripped out the passenger side interior and it was a little moist under the carpet. I believe the AC drain was plugged and dropped water down there so when I put the car away for...
  5. K

    Catch Can Fluid

    This is what normally comes out of my catch cans. I have a can plumbed per valve cover. The fluid is very watery with some chunks of oil. Normal?
  6. K

    Selling Brushed Aluminum Gauge Trim Rings for a Gen 1 & 2

    I'm not really sure how much these go for used since I have never seen a set for sale. Brand new they sell for 400 dollars. If someone wants to buy them now, 210 shipped to your door. Friday the 8th is the final day and the highest offer will be taken. Current offer is 85 shipped. They are...
  7. K

    New Project, Headliner pocket sag fix

    I am exploring ideas to fix that stupid saggy pocket in the headliner. I have a spare headliner, or 2 and I have removed that pocket already. I will be heading to the store tomorrow or sometime soon to see if I can make a new pocket for it because I hate the fact that it sags like hell. I...
  8. K

    My family was creative this year

    They took a Photoshop I did with Austin and had it painted. It came out awesome.
  9. K

    Viper engine in an S2000
  10. K

    Dodge Viper Gen 1 & 2 Diffuser Blade Setup

    I have been emailed by a couple folks asking if I still make these diffuser blades. This post is to see if there is interest in me producing another batch of them. I get about 12 sets of diffuser blades per batch and would need a minimum of 5 orders before I will produce a batch. Below is...
  11. K

    Selling the frame from the 97 GTS Salvage

    Frame is located in Portsmouth RI. Price is 500 due to damage on it. Pickup is the responsibility of the buyer. After Monday it is being sent to a salvage yard. Title in hand
  12. K

    Parting a 97 GTS Blue/White Another unfortunate GTS has been totaled so I will be selling a lot of the items. If there are any specific items you need please shoot me an email or PM on here and I will try to help you out as best as I can. Photos can be seen...
  13. K

    Selling a Gen 2 GTS Rollbar 800 Local pickup to Portsmouth RI. I can drive a little ways but not too far. Also if someone close to Virginia Beach wants it I will be in that area late December for the holidays. Payment would be needed prior though.
  14. K

    Custom Black/Blue Gen 2 Seats for sale

    Selling a set of custom Gen 2 seats. Black with suede centers. Extremely comfortable. Price is 600. Local pickup is preferred and they are located in Portsmouth, RI.
  15. K

    I need a 5lb Roe Pulley, I have a 10lb pulley to trade

    Any of you Roe guys looking to bump your boost or have a 5lb pulley laying around? Let me know. I would also need the belt as well, same deal, belt for belt.
  16. K

    New Classified Gen 2 MGW Gas Cap for Blue Viper

    220 Shipped. Classified ad submitted, awaiting approval.
  17. K

    Selling a set of Forgeline VR1 18/18 for Gen 2

    Classified ad has been posted. Price is 2600 shipped. Located in Portsmouth RI
  18. K

    What Brand Stainless Steel Brake Lines are Shaped like the OEM ones

    There are 2 versions of stainless steel brake lines for the Gen 2. The ones I have are not shaped and mounted like the oem ones. What is the company that makes the set that are shaped like the oem ones and mount in similar fashion? I have seen them before so they are produced. I am only...
  19. K

    Dodge Viper Gen 2 Headlight dissection. Uses: Headlight cleaning, bezel painting, pr

    Step 1 Jack the car up. This will give you more room behind the headlight to work with. Step 2 Locate the 6 plastic bolts that secure the headlight closeout panel in place. The top 3 are circled in the photo, the bottom 3 are inside the wheel well behind the headlight. Step 3 Remove...
  20. K

    During my headlight retrofit I need bodywork advice

    Bodywork is the main thing I have zero abilities in when working on a car. Here is my issue. On the headlight bezel (clear plastic inside the headlight) there is a hole for the OEM level that sits in the headlight. I am removing this level on this spare headlight test bezel. I have tried...
  21. K

    Working on a headlight project

    I have the guts for a passengers side headlight currently, looking to locate the guts for a drivers side headlight, most importantly I am looking for the plastic shroud on the inside. Before anyone asks no I am not installing halos. Currently in the works 1.Removing the headlight level...
  22. K

    Anyone near Hayward or Castro Valley?

    I'm looking to pick up a craiglist item here.
  23. K

    Anyone near Hayward or Castro Valley?

    There is some items on clist that I am interested in in that area, wonder if someone will pick them up for me possibly.
  24. K

    Patriots Place August 23rd

    Do any of you plan on attending this Mass Cruisers event? It is held at Bass Pro Shops at Patriots Place. This is a Thursday night but from what I have been told by many people they are never short of 300+ vehicles. I think I am going to try to make this one and was wondering if anyone wants...

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