Search results

  1. T

    2002 GTS Radiator... Discontinued?

    Well Phoey.. after lasts weeks track adventure now my Radiator is starting to leak. It's not bad, but has dripped out about half a cup in the last week. I called Dodge... Discontinued, Called local Shops, Not even produced, Jegs says their Fluidyne replacement is a month out... (at least)...
  2. T

    Power steering pump pulley failure...

    wth.. plastic chit. Took my 02 FE to it's first ever autocross and didn't make a lap. Freakin power steering went out, shut it off quick before the temp pegged. Thought I just tossed the belt, which I did. but the pulley spins on the pump shaft and wobbles like heck. So i guess I need a...
  3. T

    Another Viper may need to sell ????

    Well I guess I should say want to sell other than need to sell. Is it worth it right now even trying to sell your Viper? I got a 02 FE with 11,000 miles and am thinking about selling it and getting a blue 06 or even going for a newer one. I haven't tried listing it yet on FleaBay, figured if it...
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    Serpentine Belt for an 02

    Is it a dealer item? Mine just shredded the day of the Houston Viper event. Parts houses don't list them....
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    Buying in the classifieds....

    So how does it work? I have been scammed on ebay before and I have to tell the truth, even thought Y'all seem like a great bunch of guys and gals, I am a little weary when you read some of the threads about how people sent off their money and never got anything in return.:dunno: Any way to...
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    Valve Train Noise?

    Got a 2002 FE, I have only had it a couple of months 11,500 miles and I have noticed that when hot the Valve train seems to make a lot of noise... Almost like some bad lifters but not quite that loud. Do they make a lot of noise? I changed the oil and put Mobil 1 in it 5w30 like the owners...
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    Is my heat broken?

    I am new to the Viper world and own a 2002 GTS F.E.. I noticed that when my heat/A.c. control is in the Vent position that the blend control for the hot/cold seems to do absolutely nothing. No matter if it's on cold or hot the air is the same temp. If I switch it over to the heat or defrost...
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    Where can you buy some wheels?...

    I have been searching some tire and wheel places, but no one seems to list hardly anything for wheels for a 2002 GTS. I really want to upgrade my stock 02 wheels, I wish I could say money was no object, but it is, mainly because I am just to cheap to shell out 3K for a set of custom wheels...
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    Search is Over

    :omg: After two years of searching and procrastinating,I finally purchased a 2002 FE. Actually found it at a local dealer. It had a little more miles than I wanted, almost 11,000, but the Misses got the price right and I loaded it up and brought it home. Yea, the Misses, The guy wasn't very...