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  1. J

    Free - Stock Gen3 Cat-Back. Before I bring it to recycler

    Does anyone want my Stock Gen3 take-off from my recently sold 2006 SRT-10 Coupe (Has cross-over)? Car had 5,500 miles on it when removed and is in excellent condition. I will be selling it for scrap in the next two weeks unless someone wants it - Located in CT pick-up only
  2. J

    Pics and Video of my '06 Blue/White Coupe

    Weather was nice today and I decided to take some pictures of my '06 SRT-10 Coupe and a walk-around video at idle. Enjoy!
  3. J

    Trade my SRT-10 Coupe for your GTS + Cash

    Just throwing it out there to see what thoughts would be on trading my 2006 First Edition Blue/White SRT-10 Coupe with 6k miles on it all stock ('08 cat back exhaust, tinted window, clear bra, car cover) in excellent condition for a GTS + Cash. I love my SRT-10 but I am looking to free up some...
  4. J

    My Patriotic Viper - PICS

    My first July 4th as a Viper owner so I decided to grab a roll of red vinyl tape and make my Blue/White FE Coupe a bit more patriotic. There is a nice coat of Meguiars Gold under this so I am not worried about removal - almost tempted to leave it on.
  5. J

    Cars and Coffee - May 5th Portland, CT

    Weather depending it would be great to have a Viper presence: Cars and Coffee at F40 Motorsports (Portland, CT) Starts on May 5, 2012 at 7:30AM Ends on May 5, 2012 at 10:30AM Come talk shop at F40's Cars and Coffee. The event is from 7:30am-10:30am all are welcome to attend. First come...
  6. J

    Any Interest in my Stock '06 Exhaust?

    Anyone want my stock '06 Exhaust (catback) includes 2 mufflers, crossover and piping? Car had 5,500 miles on it, all clamps included, no rust or damage. If no one takes it I may hang it on the garage wall / store it in the basement for "originality" or drop it by a scrap yard. I swapped to a...
  7. J

    Red GTS - Wallingford, CT

    Anyone here belong to the solid red GTS heading south on Rt 5 in wallingford, ct about an hour ago?
  8. J

    Gend1/2/5 side curve on Gen3/4?

    Has anyone looked into making a custom Side Skirt that includes the currently triangular shaped side vent just infront of the drivers door and behind the front tires on the Gen3/4 that is rounded to match the rear of the car and be similar to that on the Gen1/2/5 cars? I was looking up at my...
  9. J

    Stone Guards on SRT 10 Coupe - any pics?

    Does anyone have a pic of stone guards / "mud flaps"on their srt 10 coupe? I'm considering getting a pair for my Blue/White coupe but am hesitant without seeing how it would look first.
  10. J

    Too nice out to keep covered

    My 06 coupe has been up on the lift and under the cover plugged into the battery tender for just one month and I'm ready to take her out to get the fluids moving and enjoy the 55° day. Anyone else taking their snakes out this weekend in the north east?
  11. J

    CT Emissions

    Where do CT viper owners get their emissions tested? I'm very skeptical of just going to any testing facility and handing them the keys. Anyone in central CT have an emissions testing facility they have had a positive experience with?
  12. J

    Anyone have this lift: Atlas Garage Pro 8000 EXT (Exta Tall) - Greg Smith?

    Does anyone have the Greg smith 8000 EXT lift? it is not as wide as the rest of the tall lifts but also comes with shorter runways (165" in length). my 2 car garage has a single 16' wide door so I need a narrower lift to be able to pull the wife's jeep next to the lift without her taking out a...
  13. J

    NAPA Battery - is this the right one for my Viper?

    Today I removed the battery cover from my new to me 2006 SRT10 Coupe to see what battery is in there before ordering a Battery Tender for winter hibernation. The battery in the car is a Napa 7534 N that appears brand new with a date code of Oct / 1 (assuming this is October, 2011). Is this...
  14. J

    2006 FE Coupe to be delivered today 1st Viper

    I am impatiently awaiting the enclosed transport to arrive at my house today with my 5k mile 2006 Blue/White stripe SRT-10 Coupe. The weather is nice here in CT (Low 50's) so it should be a good day take a short cruise before tucking it away for the winter.

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