Search results

  1. T

    Track Day Insurance

    When the IL club goes racing, do many (any?) of you purchase track day insurance? I understand that most insurance companies won't honor claims made due to racing, and that there are opportunities out there to purchase single day insurance made specifically for track racing. Does anyone have...
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    Misc. Parts?

    Guys - One of my bolts that holds on the driveshaft straps is nearly stripped in the process of removing it, and I'm inteested in getting all new straps and bolts all around (two straps, four bolts). I also lost a cupped washer in the engine bay when trying to reconnect my stock headers. The car...
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    TGAM9 - Kenosha WI Meet & Cookout - 7/13/13

    Hey guys... I help run a small forum called & I throw a meet every year. Mark attended last year, and a local TT GTS usually always shows up. Its a great time - hope to see some of you there! We are used to IL people invading because I live so close to the border (<1 mile) and the...
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    First crashed Gen V on public roads?

    Comments are hinting to it being a fatality because of the safety cable wire that is used in Michigan instead of sheet steel guard rail. Possibly a Chrysler worker. Lets all hope for safety & pray for the occupants and their families. :(...
  5. T

    Fall Cruise - WI Vipers want to meet up and cruise to the start together?

    I'm pretty excited for this event, as I'm sure others are too. I don't want to bother plopping all my plans down here but if you're interested in meeting up in Kenosha as a group and then heading down to the start location please PM me or post some way for me to contact you up here. I'll gladly...
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    Window Woes - NOT the regulator!

    So, I cracked open my driver's side door today expecting to see a broken and irreplaceable window regulator (Only because its better to expect the worst and be surprised than the opposite) and found that the window was getting grabbed too hard in the guide that matches to the A pillar when the...
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    2012 Fall Cruise

    I won't be able to make it to the next two IL VCA meetings... Can someone keep me up to date on the Fall Cruise?!
  8. T

    ALMS Road America pics of GTS-R's

    Was an awesome weekend as a spectator - fantastic race with the win coming down to the very last corner! But, that's for the other classes; as far as Viper is concerned, I think it was a bittersweet weekend. Those of you that are following ALMS know that we're down on the straights and that's...
  9. T

    HELP! aftermarket stereo install, no sound...

    So I bought a JVC $100 unit at Best Buy this weekend to replace the stock unit for a while - It does bluetooth calls and music, iPod controls, and has a stereo jack input up front too, so theres three ways to get my music off the iPhone. It also has a built in DAC for when I do connect it...
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    Viper GTS-R at Road America Aug.18th, Will you be there?

    Just wondering if we have a sizeable amount of Viper owners planning to attend the ALMS RA event August 18th, where the GTS-R is scheduled to make an appearance? I will be there with my Viper, camping all weekend. I'll actually be with an Exige and an Elise, so we'll have Lotus and Viper...
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    How many cases of beer fit in a Viper?

    At least 10! I was surprised we got it all to fit, thats 240 beers!
  12. T

    Fitting Gen 4 exhaust to Gen 3?

    My Viper currently has stock headers and primary cats, then straight pipe. I think its a bit too loud, so I'd like to quiet it down and maybe get something with a polished tip. There are a couple Gen 4 catbacks used out there, will they fit the gen 3 with minimal modification? There's a...
  13. T

    Hosting a meet July 21st

    Hey everybody, just joined the VCA and in my 1.5 months of Viper ownership I've heard many good things about the Illinois region, so I'm very excited to become a part of this active club! So 8 years ago when I was eager to learn more about my new-to-me SRT-4 as a teenager, I invited some...
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    New Viper Owner, glad to be 'Home'!

    So, I've finally got my first Viper! After years of staring at only the various scale model's I've collected over the years and pretending my SRT-4 has a big V10, I've finally picked up a 2006 Slate SRT-10 Coupe! ~45k miles, really loud exhaust which I'm told may be a belanger system, tinted...
  15. T

    Pre Purchase Inspection? (near LA)

    Very excited to finally be near the day I can get my first Viper. I have one in my crosshairs thats located in southern California, LA area. I'm in Wisconsin and would like the car to be inspected before I put money to it, can anyone recommend a dealership or mechanic that can perform this...

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