Search results

  1. P

    2000 RT10 (Gen II) OEM Soft top for sale.

    With original carrying case, $1500 Please call Peter at 740-708-4246.
  2. P

    2000 RT-10 over heats when the air is turned on?

    2000 RT-10 over heats when the air is turned on? Runs normal if I'm driving on the highway.
  3. P

    OH Vipers, from "Vipers meet Serpent Day"

    I put this picture on my Facebook page and one of my friends, 80 yrs plus said she did not like snakes but these were gorgeous.
  4. P

    Rear differential seal leak?

    My Generation 2 (2000) has a slight seal leak. It seems when I go on a long trip I see some oil around the seal. I pulled plug on differential to see if it was low and oil came out so I know its not leaking much. Last year it never leaked at all although I never went on any long road trips...
  5. P

    Viper Trailer

    Briarwood Hotel Last Monday(9th) I was driving west on Route 64 towards Charleston West Virginia and passed a big white trailer with "Dodge Viper" written on side of it. Anyone seen this before? We proceeded on our trip to the Briarwood resort in White Sulfer Springs for a visit of area...
  6. P

    Has any one recharged their Air Conditioning themselves?

    Mine seems warmer although the outdoor temps have been in the high 90's was wondering if this is a easy check or should I have a dealer do it.
  7. P

    Pic's Seven Springs & Misc. Here are some pic's that I took of the Gang at Seven Springs Resort, Diane entertained us with a covered bridge tour on Saturday then we went to see "Falling Water" a property Created by Frank Loyd Wright in the early 30's...
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    Columbus, OH VCA Meeting Pic's

    Some pic's from our meeting. Chad here's your favorite person.
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    Mopar Boy

    With almost 7,000 posts you must realize that your car is in the minority. Who thinks yellow is hot? I wonder how many Yellow cars they built to RED cars. I saw some yellow cars last year in my rear view mirror all though they were mostly vets. No wonder people mistake yellow vipers for...
  10. P


    THERE WAS A 2002 VIPER THAT SOLD LAST NIGHT ON BARRETT-JACKSON FOR $69,000.00. Did anyone else see this. My friend sent me this email.
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    Hard Top Liner

    My cloth liner on my Hard Top has come loose and hangs down about 4 inches. Can anyone suggest what I would use to glue it back?
  12. P

    Got her Back / OEM hard top

    Many thanks to everyone who helped me, especially Vipuronr. Indian Auto who suggested the paint, Chuck Tator who suggested them. Paint matched perfect and a little adjusting got top secured on car. Thanks again!
  13. P

    OEM Hard top

    For any one who has a OEM hard top. Did they make a special tool to use to secure the hinge (see pic) Just wondering what to use. My soft top has a long latch, but the Hardtop hinge lacks one?
  14. P

    OEM Hard top

    Does anybody have pic's of their RT/10 hard top available. Shown on the car. I'd especially like to see some red pic's. I'm torn between painting a recently bought OEM top Red or Black?
  15. P

    Paint Help

    As you can see from my avatar my viper 2000 RT/10 is Viper Red. I just bought a OEM (gray) hardtop and want to paint it to match my Viper. My brother in law says to take it to a DuPont paint store and have it matched. I was wondering what other members have done. I want to do it right the...
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    OEM Hard top

    I just purchased a OEM hard top for my 2000 RT/10 and was wondering how much higher it sits than a soft top.
  17. P

    Vets Honored

    Here's a little clip to those of you who like Flying. Oshkosh 2010
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    Hard top

    I'd like to consider purchasing a Hard Top for my RT/10. I've seen the "Others" but was still wondering if any one had (OEM)top that would fit a 2000 RT/10.
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    Special Thanks/Tators Garage

    On the way home(OH) from my first long distance trip to New England (Vt,NH,RI,NY) and all parts in between I had the pleasure of Stopping in and seeing Chuck Tator in South Salem NY. My viper has always been a little noisey when shifting gears. Rob (mechanic) took it for a test drive with me...
  20. P

    Off to New Hampshire/2000 RT10, 5100 miles

    First long trip in my Viper. If you see a RED (fasttttt) viper in OH,PA,NY,VT or NH with OH License Plates: MOW U DWN it will probably be me. Just bought a Valentine 1 and put Veil G4 on front plates etc. Should be on Route 71,90,86,88,87 and over NY to VT Bennington Scenic route 7 to 9,91...
  21. P

    Valentine One

    Just purchased a new Valentine One RD and was wondering where everyone placed them in their Vipers or where they Hard wired them to.
  22. P

    And the winner is?

    Today in Greenfield OH, I went to a car show with 160 cars and came home with a three foot trophy, but you should have seen the look on this young girls face when I let her sit in the drivers seat and her parents took her picture. The trophy was insignificant next to how happy she was, but...
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    A while back someone was interested in a Tee Shirt that said: "God made Vipers so Corvette Owners would have Hero's." I just thought this info might look nice on a Hat & was wondering if I might be fringing on anyone's idea or patent etc.
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    Happy Camper / 1st Award

    Took my 2000 Viper to my first Car Show (Cruise In) and won the Mopar Award. I'm hooked, so tommorrow morning I'm off to another.
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    Slight Nock

    When I release the clutch on my 2000 RT/10 (4,000 miles)I get a slight nock, it seems in the lower gears. I was wondering if I might be riding clutch or have any of you experienced this before.

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