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  1. S

    Reverse light wiring.

    Anyone know the wire colors of the reverse light in the left tail light unit? Looking for the pos wire and the neg wire. I’m installing a backup camera. Thanks, Bill
  2. S

    Aftermarket side pipes

    My side pipes are swiveling up and down when hitting bumps and the turnouts are hitting the black surround material. The retaining bands are smooth stainless so they slip. Would small tack welds on each side of the bands work? Your thoughts on the idea, suggestions? Thanks, Bill
  3. S

    2005 exhaust question

    When I bought my2005 Vert seven years ago I was told that the H pipe had been removed and an aftermarket exhaust system installed. my question is how do I identify the installed system? Are different brands stamped or have labels welded on? I have some rattling around in the sidepipe area and...
  4. S

    Street tires

    I need some advice on tires. I want to buy the softest best riding tires for my 05 Vert. Tired of being thumped by every crack or tar strip I drive over. I don’t do track days, only an occasional hard run thru the gears. I’m approaching 80 years old and I’d like to soften the ride a bit. I don’t...

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