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  1. S

    Question about Viper Production Numbers from IVR

    On this page, near the bottom: It displays a breakdown of Vipers produced according to their color, and I'm specifically interested in the stryker red cars. Trying to find some credible documentation as to the actual number of SR Vipers produced and...
  2. S

    Stryker Red @ B-J Auction in Palm Beach?

    I was actually contacted by B-J a few days ago about consigning my car with them. The dates are April 12th to 15th and it's in Palm Beach, FL. Supposed to be one of the larger gatherings for B-J. They charge an insertion fee of up to $1,200 and require that you get the car to them at your...
  3. S

    Gen V Prices HEATING UP BIGLY!

    On ebay and other auctions, special edition / LE Vipers are fetching higher and higher prices as clued-in buyers snatch them up while they can. MSRP+ for preowned Gen Vs is quickly becoming the "bottom". This buying frenzy, combined with the Trump Economy of Endless Winning, strongly suggests...
  4. S

    FS: 2013 Stryker Red Viper GTS - Pristine Condition - Min Price: $135K

    I love this car, but my business responsibilities have been keeping me excessively busy. Between that and the short 'season' I just don't have the time to drive my Viper as often as I did before and it feels wrong just letting it sit in the garage. This car wants to be on the road! I'm...

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