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  1. C

    Just put some VOI 6 and other Viper stuff on eBay

    I've decided to start selling off some of my Viper memorabilia and accessories, including a couple VOI 6 goodies: VOI 6 Centerpiece VOI 6 Banner 1:16 SRT-10 R/C Car Bburago 1:24 red/white stripe GTS Bburago 1:24 white RT/10 VCA Helmet Bag ZAF Exhaust Tips
  2. C

    VCA "Last Ram SRT-10" Raffle

    Re: VCA \"Last Ram SRT-10\" Raffle You've got too many freakin' V-10 powered vehicles as it is Dave!
  3. C

    Caravan from Illinois

    I can't make VOI :( but I'll wave to my Viper brothers as I make my way home from Wichita on Tuesday. :2tu:
  4. C

    Why TOOOFST has more NUTS than rest:Nitrous secret revealed!

    Hey Scott, I just have one question. Why did you pull your nuts out at a gas station?!?
  5. C

    How many 98, 99 Coupes built with silver/blue stripes?

    I have to admit, even though I am a blue and white guy, that I love the silver and blue.
  6. C

    My GTS purchase is starting out as a nightmare... Chicago VCA, listen up!

    I've only heard good things from all of my friends who have taken Vipers there for service. Tom at FLD is a stand-up guy. Steve, have you ever taken your car there? Have you heard something bad from someone who has?
  7. C


    You know it's bad when even Janni is calling you names! :D
  8. C

    Is there a maximum speed with Hard-Top on??

    Sorry, misread the title of this thread. Thought you were asking something else...
  9. C

    Anyone want a track car?

    What, all those mods and no smooth tubes??
  10. C

    illiois Drag day Results!Viper vs Supra

    Holy hyperlink batman! I'm sure glad Scotty drives better than he posts...
  11. C

    Winter storage QUESTIONS????

    Don't use that crap unless you want orange spots on the back of your car. I used some the first year I stored my car and thats what I ended up with on the white stripes just above the exhaust. Never used it again and no more spots. Besides, the gas doesn't go bad in 6 months anyway.
  12. C


    A huge loss for motorsports in general and the Viper community in particular. Rest in peace.
  13. C

    Sport Compact Car Magazine Ultimate Street Car Challenge Base Price

    Actually, your brand of [******] happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight.
  14. C

    Sport Compact Car Ultimate Street Car Shootout Photoshoot:

    All I have to say is that I never want to hear you whine again about that tiny burnout I did in your car on the way back from Indy last year! LOL!
  15. C

    Ultimate street car update

    It's called no traction. From what I understand they were only allowed to use one set of tires for all of the performance events. So he chose Hoosier autocross tires. This was probably good for the skidpad and five laps on the roadcourse, but not so good for the strip. From what I heard, the...
  16. C

    Ultimate street car update

    That would be sweet but I don't think he will be running slicks. :( Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I think they have to use the same tires for all of the performance events. Any word on the emissions test?
  17. C

    Selling the Viper to get the Vette

    My thoughts exactly! ;)
  18. C

    Suggestions on where to purchase Bellanger exhaust system needed.

    So, hearing my car sealed the deal huh? ;) Give Tom Welch a call. He has everything you need at a great price and is extremely helpful, especially if you are doing the install youself. BTR Performance, Inc. 352-690-9600
  19. C

    Open Road Challenge on

    I can't believe I'm the first person to post this (and if I'm not, it's worth posting again!) If I would have known Paolo was going to be in the news I would have bought him a razor...
  20. C

    Sport Compact Car "Ultimate Street Car Challenge" ==> I'm in........

    Re: Sport Compact Car Congrats! Now drive that motherf%^&er like you are running from the cops on the Castellano Motor Speedway! And be sure not to scare them with the burnin' sidepipe fire!
  21. C

    cars, drugs, drug dealers checking out the Viper, cops, larceny, loans

    Proving once again that you have to be on crack to drive a Chrysler... Except the Viper, of course.
  22. C

    Selling ROE 5PSI SuperCharger and Related Components

    He said those are the prices of the items when they were new and to send him an offer via email.
  23. C


    Holy no airbag batman!
  24. C

    Track results:TOOOFST vs. 10.5"nitrous street brawlers

    Re: Track results:TOOOFST vs. 10.5 Congrats Scotty! It's been a while in the making but it looks like you are getting a handle on those 60 footers.

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