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  1. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    We won!!!:D A big thanks for your participation this year. This was a real close win. The Corvette Club of Richmond had 24 Corvettes with a total of 9,576 horsepower. We had 19 Vipers with a total of 9,956 horsepower. We won by only 380 horsepower. We won by just a little over one C-5...
  2. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    Registration will be from 9:00 to 12:00 and the award ceremony will be at 4:00.
  3. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    The entry fee will be $20 this year. We're not pushing the Food Bank this year like we did last year. We had so much food last year it was hard to transport it all to the Food Bank. So it's optional this year.
  4. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    We will have one judged Viper trophy this year plus the "king of the hill" trophy for the most horsepower. We will also have many other awards such as top 25 by year group for all cars at the event.
  5. H

    Pearson Chrysler in Richmond VA

    Tim Harper is their Viper tech. He's good. Jeana Gordon is the Service Advisor for him. Her direct number is (804) 864-5842.
  6. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    3,000 hp will go a long way to help us win this year!
  7. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    Your GTS = 5.33 stock C5's with a 15% drive line loss. Nice numbers! Wish you could make it.
  8. H

    Horsepower Challenge Viper vs. Corvette, Sept. 18, 2010

    We are having a “Horsepower Challenge” on September 18, 2009 in Richmond, VA. The event will be part of the “Christmas in September” event at the Children’s Hospital, 2904 Brook Road, Richmond, VA. This is an annual charity event for the Children’s Miracle Network. The event typically yields...
  9. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    Tony Booth, Richmond radio personality. The following two pictures are my favorite:
  10. H

    Battlefield Cruise, Richmond, VA Oct 3, 2009

    The weather forecast for Richmond is looking great now: Saturday: Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. Warm. High 82F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Hope to see you Saturday.
  11. H

    Battlefield Cruise, Richmond, VA Oct 3, 2009

    The weather is not looking real good for Saturday. Below is the forecast for Richmond: Saturday: Occasional showers possible. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 50s. This is a rain or shine event so feel free to bring your daily driver in the event of rain.
  12. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    The total raised for the Children’s Miracle Network at the event was $9,290.33. This was down from the usual $20,000+ raised in the past however considering the economy it was a good day. In addition there were hundreds of cans of food donated to the food bank. Thanks to all who participated...
  13. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    We lost the Horsepower Challenge to the Corvette Club of Richmond. They had 14,001 HP to our 8,275 HP. We had 15 Vipers to their 44 Corvettes and we couldn’t overcome the sheer number of Corvettes even with our supercharged Vipers. There is always next year! Mike Menke won “King of the Hill”...
  14. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    Richmond radio personality Tony Booth is going to briefly stop by our event Saturday. Tony is on 107.3 WBBT from 3:00-7:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 8:00 to 12:00midnight Sunday. He also substitutes on station in Northern Virginia.
  15. H

    Battlefield Cruise, Richmond, VA Oct 3, 2009

    Mike, that’s a good cause. Good luck with it. I'll see you at the Horsepower Challenge.
  16. H

    Battlefield Cruise, Richmond, VA Oct 3, 2009

    Tour Guide: Our tour guide will be George L. Fickett Jr., Bermuda Hundred Campaign Historian. He is well versed in most Civil War Campaigns and has traveled to most of the major battlefields in the U.S. He has been interested in Civil War history for over 50 years. He was a member of Co. B 20th...
  17. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    We will be judging the Corvettes at the event so we will need to draft some of our members to be judges. The Corvettes will be judged by generation with generation three split into two groups. We have sheets worked up to guide you on judging. I expect about 50 Corvettes. We're going to need lots...
  18. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    John, See your email. Sorry I put this together and somehow failed to send it last month. Howard
  19. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    Below is a picture of the first place judged Viper by generation. This is a close up of the first place judged generation 1 Viper. The other three generations look the same. This is the "King of the Hill" trophy for the Viper with the most horsepower. This is a close up of the "King...
  20. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    Below is the schedule: Schedule: Arrive 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Judging: 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm Award Ceremony: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
  21. H

    Horsepower Challenge - Viper vs. Corvette, Sep 19, 09

    What do you mean “puny 400 HP?” Your 400 HP is equal to about two of the 70’s era Corvettes and is more than the C5 Corvettes and about equal to the C6 Corvettes. The Corvette Club of Richmond will have about 50 Corvettes at the event so we need all the Vipers we can get. I hope Terry brings...
  22. H

    Local Help

    I use a suction pump to bleed mine which makes it a one man operation. I bought a bleeder kit from Harbor Freight (like this one I suck out all of the old brake fluid from the reservoir and put fresh DOT4 in the reservoir...