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  1. I

    Evap system needed.

    Thanks for the help guys.
  2. I

    Cat/Muffler Delete Before & After Video

    Funny how the vipers sound so good with cats and no mufflers. My LSX cars were the opposite.
  3. I

    Evap system needed.

    It seems I'm in need of the whole evap setup that's located in front of the left side tire. Pump/brackets/canister/sensors for a 2000 ACR. Does anyone have one they may have removed during a build and want to part with it? It seems after the car was damaged the body shop never replaced it and...
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    Do I have a stock ECU or Mopar Racing? P/N P04865406AC

    Thanks John. Its the OEM then. Thats what I was thinking but I wanted to confrom.
  5. I

    Do I have a stock ECU or Mopar Racing? P/N P04865406AC

    Do I have a stock ECU or Mopar Racing? P/N P04865406AC THANKS
  6. I

    Track oriented suspension shop for Viper in West Denver?

    You cant go wrong with Glen. He runs his sons racing team and is a top notch Viper tech and person to work with.
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    One Sick Local ACR

  8. I

    Two questions for Denver locals

    Yes, Give me a call. 303-482-1266 Intrigue Detail
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    Beware of person selling 2004 mamba in classifieds

    He was thinking his wife was selling his car. :)
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    Beware of person selling 2004 mamba in classifieds

    You may want to check your account. I have 0 new pms.
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    Beware of person selling 2004 mamba in classifieds

    I will sell you that property in Arizona along with my Mamba I have listed. I did use a Google pic I found until I had the time to get a few of mine. My bad but You could have easily just pmed me and I would have removed it. Please edit or remove your post as I removed your pic so you could...
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    Jon B refused to sell me a fan. :)

    At the same price. :)
  13. I

    SRT-10 Rear Diffuser Blades on GTS (Pics)

    I want some but they are out. Anyone have a lead on some PM me.
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    Jon B refused to sell me a fan. :)

    Jon thanks for the quick fix on my 04 Mamba. Looking forward to the other parts that you would sell me. :) Aaron p.s. He has them if you need them.
  15. I

    Looking for a 8" sub enclosure

    I would agree but I did see one some time ago on ebay and the guy was selling 6 or so. Cant find it when I need it. :(
  16. I

    Looking for a 8" sub enclosure

    PM me your $$ and I can see what shiping would run me.
  17. I

    Looking for a 8" sub enclosure

    Anyone have a lead on a 8" sub enclosure for the PS rear well on a 01 GTS. I know I could do custom but wanted to see if I had a cookie cutter option. Thanks
  18. I

    Colorado/Utah/Wyoming VCA Motorsports Gallery Event

    Sounds like a blast. I will be back from AZ on the 16th just in time for our Veyron event on the 17th... :( Hope we did a good job on the event we hosted for the group.
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    Cruisin' Central

    I may be down.
  20. I

    The Ultimate Wheel Thread !

    Nice job... Love the clean look.
  21. I

    Cars & Coffee Sat 02/06/10 - Scottsdale

    I plan to go.
  22. I

    My 01 SB GTS

    Thanks, Its the bruser (black and blue) :)

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