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  1. A

    another founding member suspended!?

    The actions of the current national BoD over the last few days baffling and inexcusable. I cannot believe manner in which founding members of the VCA are being treated. It sickens me. I say this knowing full well that I will likely have my account locked or I may be banned, whatever. I've...
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    Relationship between the VCA SRT and Chysler

    As Jim states, and I echo, the goals of your regional board of directors is to ensure that the members benefit from ownership and also membership. The static that has distracted some club members has gone largely unnoticed by many more. If you want to have fun with your Viper and meet some...
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    New Member/Owner

    Welcome to the club! Hope to see you out at an event this year!
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    Anyone here in Canada seen a Gen V rolling around?

    Where will those two cars end up? Would like to think that the salesman and manager are not just re-selling privately (without the dealers' knowledge) for profit on a highly in-demand new model. That would be unethical. Of course, car salesmen are very ethical by nature, right? How many Rams...
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    hey from Saskatoon

    Welcome aboard, Curt, I grew up in 'toon. Hope to see you out at an event this season. Enjoy!
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    National Officers 2013 - 2014 Term

    Wow, I've got to visit this site more often! Congrats, Jim, well deserved! A very nice honor and some great recognition for our "little" region. And you met one of my all-time heros...The King himself! Look forward to hearing all the details very soon.
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    Easy way to check coolant?

    Have you tried to put a small light through the access plug (large, round rubber plug just inside the wheel well) to back light the over-flow tank?
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    Paint and stripe codes for W/ Blue stripe RT/10

    Paint code should be found on the door sticker, as can the VIN, MDH (month, day, hour) etc. Someone will chime in with the codes, I'm sure. Good luck!
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    Nelson Event

    I think this event is building momentum! Booked a room for us, but only able to make it out there on Saturday, not sure the rate she quoted me was the same as above, though. See you folks there!
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    ACRs Visit Green Bay

    That yellow sure pops in the evening light! By the way, happy anniversary, Jim and Debbie!
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    any Edmonton (and area) viper owners

    Hi, Guessing that you're new to the Viper, which one do you have? There are at least a dozen members (and more owners, too) in the Edmonton area that I can think of. Some members post on the regional forum (Western Canada) You should consider joining the club, though you've just missed the...
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    Island August Event

    Just an update on ferries; Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay sailings are booked solid unless you plan on traveling early morning or late evening on Friday. They are showing availability on the 08:30, 18:55 and 21:30 sailings. Leaving out of Tsawwassen to Duke Point showing open all sailings at...
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    Island August Event

    This event is fast approaching! If anyone is interested in meeting and perhaps taking the same ferry over Friday post here. It was a great time last spring, should be even better in mid-summer. The accomodations are first class and the scenery will knock you out! We won't be in Victoria...
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    Edmonton Track Event July 20th

    Was great to see everyone, old friends and new, and even though the weather did not fully co-operate, it was a great BBQ! Hope everyone got a kick out of the Pro-Mod Viper start up! Click photos for better view.
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    Edmonton Track Event July 20th

    Coming up this weekend, I will not have my car there, but I will be at the BBQ Saturday eve and hope to see a bunch fellow members there!:2tu: Jim, I know you're heading out today or tomorrow for Red Deer, I hope you can check your email before you head out on the road.
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    Western Canada 2012 Event Schedule

    Jim, is there a rate code or web code or something for the Island hotels in Aug, or do we need to call in person to book?
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    Mojave Mile, anyone planning on going?

    Plan on going, yes. Was there in Oct. and it was a lot of fun! There was only one Viper there, my brothers Fat Albert-built GTS. It would be great to see some other members and their cars out there running! Look for the Go Kart, that'll be us. Greg
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    Mojave Mile, anyone planning on going?

    May 5 and 6th, 2012. Just wondering if anyone from the SoCal region is planning on attending?
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    Mojave Mile

    Just wondering if anyone from Nevada is planning on attending the upcoming Mojave Mile at the Mojave Air/Space port.
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    Lake Havasu trip

    Bob, how are you?Have you got specific dates in mind for Oct.?Greg
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    So I had this girl, with a great set of suspension...

    You might want some in person advice, I'm sure there are members in the region who've done this type of mod. You should join us for an upcoming event, there are a few with a couple in AB, AB/BC border region coming up soon.
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    Help help help...crisis

    #1; go get your car. They are simply racking up the labour while you stress about the quote. "doing a pressure test", that's for sure, only the pressure is on you! Couresty did do/re-do the frame braces on mine, it ended up costing them the price of a new PDC, about $1800 I believe. Ask me about...
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    Western Canada 2011 Events

    Looking forward to this weekends' event, fingers crossed for good weather! Meet and greet tonight at Joey Kelowna (2475 Harvey Ave/Hwy 97) Drinks in the lounge; 6ish, dinner at 7.
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    Island Event - Pics

    Grant, Initial plans are to hold an event on the Island in August, so it should be easier for those across the divide to make it out!
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    To all: If you have yet to recieve a membership package, or the first issue of the mag (and keep in mind that if you joined after the first issue was sent, you may be out of luck on that (please renew by the end of Dec. this year for 2012 to avoid similar next year)), send me your name and the...

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