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  1. B

    Magazines Shipped

    Carefull Steve asking questions like that could get you banned. By the way no magazines here either
  2. B

    Magazines Shipped

    Wednesday Feb 12'th nothing here either.
  3. B

    Magazines Shipped

    Well said, couldn't agree with you more.
  4. B

    NY Viper tuners?

    How about Chuck Tator at Tators Garage? Cant think of anybody who knows the Vipers better than him.
  5. B

    MORE MOPAR!! although it's not a 68 69 or 70!! it does the job...

    Beautiful car, I would much rather have that one then a 68,69,70. Barry
  6. B

    Received my quarterly magazine today....

    Received mine today. Good shape but they forgot to wet the glue.
  7. B

    Naked Viper Video!

    I was thinking the same thing, He seems to be a good driver
  8. B

    Canada... the BEST country in the world - April 28 Edition

    It could have been worst, at least you didn't leave the top down. :omg:
  9. B

    Tire mounting & balancing in Massachusetts

    Probably well worth the ride. I Know if chuck does them they'll be perfect. Thank you.
  10. B

    Tire mounting & balancing in Massachusetts

    Thanks Nick, I've been a member of the club since 06
  11. B

    Tire mounting & balancing in Massachusetts

    Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where's a good place to have my new ps2's on my 2003 srt10 mounted and balanced ? I live in central Massachusetts and would have the wheels and tires off the car. I don't mine traveling a distance I just want someone thats done these before. Thank...
  12. B

    Chrysler's got it's mojo back!

    Pretty hard to think anything good about them when they get rid of their best dealer. Time to start working on GT40's :2tu:
  13. B

    2003 srt10 dangerous handling on grooved roads

    Thanks everyone for your help, my new ps2's are on the way. Barry
  14. B

    2003 srt10 dangerous handling on grooved roads

    I have a 2003 srt 10 I recently purchased. It has 1800 miles with the Michelin Sport run flats. When driving on a grooved or rough road the car is all over the place to the point that I feel I could lose control of it. On a good road the car seems to handle and drive fine.Before this viper I...
  15. B

    Chuck Tator for President 2012!!!

    I think Chuck would make a great president. Can you imagine having someone in office who actually told the truth and was honest.:usa::2tu: Barry
  16. B

    20 cylinders, 1000+ HP!

    I think I'd take your viper over the lamborghini also .:drive:

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