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  1. R

    Buying a Gen IV Viper next weekend, need help!

    The viper has been my DD for the last 3 years except when its winter. If you don't mind the awkward getting in and out of the car then you are fine. I feel bad for people who buy these cars and don't drive the piss out of them.
  2. R

    Weird problem with SRT-10 coupe

    If it was the clockspring wouldn't the airbag light also be on.
  3. R

    Gen V dyno - New Vid

    Those numbers are realistic. What were the disappointed expecting, 0% drive train loss?
  4. R

    Almost stock 3rd gen dyno video

    DaSilva racing. Its a mustang shop.
  5. R

    Almost stock 3rd gen dyno video

    Mods: K&N Intake Corsa Catback 2.5" This was my first dyno with my car and I guessed before it was going to hit 460 hp and I couldn't believe it when I saw the number. The pull starts at around the 1 minute mark...
  6. R

    Average age of Viper owners?

    It can be sad to see that the age question immediately turns to a pissing match in which the younger you were when you got the car is in someway related to how successful one is perceived or if you are older you think that the younger kid had the silver spoon. In my "short" experience I get...
  7. R

    Gen 3 Stock Exhaust

    Are you looking for the cats?
  8. R

    Wild wing night this Thursday May 16 7PM

    Ok, let me know if I get approved. lol
  9. R

    Wild wing night this Thursday May 16 7PM

    Count me in!
  10. R

    Where were all the vipers today?

    I spotted 4 yellow and 2 black vettes today. Don't tell me you guys were hiding!
  11. R

    Broken valve spring

    Be sure while you are changing the spring to check your push rod for straightness as well as wear on the top and bottom. There should be a reason why the spring broke (this isn't a 40 year old muscle car). It is possible it wasn't assembled/adjusted properly. Also take a close look at the rocker...
  12. R

    Third gen ABS pump problem

    Thanks I will try this.
  13. R

    Yay, winter is back!!!

    My neighbour's lawn is frozen!
  14. R

    Third gen ABS pump problem

    the pump has voltage to it but it isnt responding and is triggering the abs light. i was looking to get another pump.
  15. R

    Third gen ABS pump problem

    Has anyone ever experienced any ABS pump issues?
  16. R

    So how did the AGM go???

    I seen it, I was envying your 300 on the way back to my car :P
  17. R

    So how did the AGM go???

    I parallel parked behind the building on the corner.
  18. R

    So how did the AGM go???

    Everything went pretty well, except the back and sides of my lexus truck got keyed to **** :mad: If it were the viper I would have been crying.
  19. R

    Road noise - what is normal?

    Its normal when you driving with such a wide tire. If it bothers your passenger give them some active noise cancelling headphones :rolaugh:
  20. R

    Well there goes the chances.....

    I just happened to see that they put salt down again. Viper has been hiding ever since
  21. R

    Viper Engine build, lots of questions, help needed please

    When boring always take the least amount of material as possible. Jumping sizes gains you nothing and only serves to weaken your remaining material. Most OEM oversized pistons will compensate for the increased displacement by changing their piston design.
  22. R

    Proper Downshifting in the GenV

    I downshift every gear even into 1st and its my daily ride. The engine and tranny on these cars are monsters for a reason and can handle pretty much anything you throw at it.
  23. R


    The time has been moved to 2:30. GPK told me that they have to move us to 2:30
  24. R

    Winter Improvements

    ACR 5 spoke rims Mopar rear bumper inserts New windshield wipers I have to add that I put the car on the road yesterday. I couldn't wait any longer.
  25. R


    Date: APRIL 7 2013 Time 2:00 PM This is their website These are the pricings. All-You-Can-Race daily pass only $62.00 (not available on Saturdays) Mon-Sun & Holidays Adult Karts - $22.13 for 1 Race or $38.05 for 2 Races * REGULAR RATES (when above specials are...

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