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  1. M

    1994 Viper RT/10 convertible

    From a dodge article?
  2. M

    Need a lead on reputable differential / ring & pinion specialist in Maryland area

    Your best bet is to connect with Chuck Tator.... He's in NY, here's his location. Contact him and discuss options.
  3. M

    gen 1 oil pressure

    9000 miles on my 1993 RT... Drop the oil every Sept - average about 700 miles a season. 10 quarts of 10/30 mobile one why change a good thing.
  4. M

    Tranny fluid

    I've had two Gen 1s been using ATF+4... It's what you want.
  5. M

    recommended tire pressure

    About 30psi.... For driving season. Winter storage I bring them up to about 42psi to help avoid flat spots along with race ramp flat stoppers.
  6. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    To funny.... A friend of mine was there buying one... Over heard a guy talking about his viper to the salesman... He gave me a description and I pined it to you.
  7. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    oh boy... is Charley buying a "14" stingray?
  8. M

    1993 owners, I got a question for you.

    Your vin # is a tell also... I beleave anything over 0480 (480) 1993s received the rubber exhaust hangers, over the spring type 92 early model 93s, reverse lockout... also has magnesium manifold.
  9. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    Change in plans for me..... won't make tomorrow.
  10. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    Im planning on going... I emailed Bruno when I got the email that I was going. Will shot for 10am... Let's make a day of it - who's in?
  11. M

    Water Temp Question.

    If I remember its programed to turn on fsn at around 208 degree. I could be off a bit.
  12. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    Wayne C&C Sunday Morning 6th. Anyone going?
  13. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    Wayne C&C Sunday Morning 6th. Anyone going?
  14. M

    Dashboard repaint

    I have a 1993 RT.... The grey dash needed a refresh. Took it off brought to a body shop, had it striped and painted in satin blk dash paint from BMW.
  15. M

    New Purchase Questions

    I've been down this road.... And have looked at over 10 Gen 1s before finding a bream car. I also wanted a 93-95 RT and came across the right one in Ohio - I live in NJ and finally settled on a price with the owner and had it delivered. Please do your home work - my car looks brand new with...
  16. M

    Mmcc269: well??

    Hey guys... Sorry been traveling on the west cost - just home. The car and numbers did not work out but we were close... There were a few issues that we could have got thru if he was willing to address or reduce the price.... I'm not convinced the deal is dead but were both sitting on the...
  17. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    A fall gathering cruse and lunch sounds perfect.... Let's get something in the works and try to pick a weekend that everyone can swing.
  18. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    I'm still away or I would join you guys... Been looking to go there - let me know how it is!
  19. M

    Gen-2 Viper for Shorter guys?

    That is hysterical.... Give me a good laugh. Booster seat - brilliant.
  20. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    ok.. maybe next week - enjoy the weekend
  21. M

    Northern NJ C&C This Weekend

    Anyone going to Boonton C&C tonight?
  22. M

    Post Pics of Your Red Gen I/II RT10!

    I'd be game for that.... Great photo's you have posted... Let's plan something over summer. I don't drive the car much but would love to do some expert photography shots. Mike
  23. M

    Anyone have issues with 345/30/19's???

    18 front /19 rear H-Spokes.... Rides great.
  24. M

    Post Pics of Your Red Gen I/II RT10!

    1993 With H-Spoke wheels - 6000k miles

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