I say spend a few bucks, get a good one as it will show you a lot more. Autel makes great units. You will have it for life and can use it on any vehicle with the OBD2 port. Have Fun!
Try some good old WD-40 on the shaft where it disappears into the housing. The little "keeper" ring is probably seized a little. A quick sharp pull should work better than a pry - thus the slide hammer effect.
The update fixes 70 different things; the biggest being the security breach on the radios- and all the way down to little things like voice recognition enhancements, etc.. It's no wonder your Nav was messed up as there are major reworkings involving it and the GPS system. If you haven't...
You can hook up your battery charger up instead if you want.. All they are trying to do is make sure the car doesn't lose power in the middle of the upgrade. It only takes about 10 mins.
Is there any word yet on exactly when the new supercharger kit will be available and the price? It's getting close to 2016 when they said it would be ready.
I know you guys are trying to help, but really, what are you going to do with all these samples and old oil filters - throw them in the garbage!! If your trying to determine if you can go farther on your oil change than get your sample and stretch it out to your demise. What happens if you...
Lack of Trac Lock additive in the diff oil possibly? A little movement in the drivesheft in relation to the gears isn't a big deal - You'll hear a howel or whine if it's an issue.
A couple things you might want to consider. If it looks like you have to remove the lines, get new ones and use this opportunity to change them. As far as the front seal, you might have to remove the front engine cover to R & R it; I would call the dealer and ask them how many hours they have...
Any air in the ps system is flushed away just about instantly after you do a lock to lock . I would have someone watching underneith as you do your test. Sounds like something binding or a bad spot in the movement of the linkage or wheel assembly. Does it do it if you move forward or back...
I would change the engine oil every year for sure. Gear oil and Tranny oil would be ok, but at least change it once in the early life - say 1500 miles or so. I'm changing gear and tranny oil every year regardless. Antifreeze is good for 5 years, after that all you basically have is water that...
Climate won't make that big a difference. try the 29 psi. it will climb 2 - 3 pds once you heat them up. Your ride will also improve - it must be like wagon wheels right now lol.
Yah I totally argree Broom, I bought a used vehicle from a dealer and the air filter was just about plugged solid. So, they may not have checked the oil in this case - or much else.
If it's not burning it, and not in the coolant, than they probably didn't fill it properly from factory.
Just noticed it was used, maybe the previous owner did the oil change and didn't fill it properly
FYI: After researching it appears this is a half hour job as per Dodge so it is as easy as it looks - amazing. The part is cheap and fits 2003 through 2015.
Went on a long ride - 8200 kms and hit some pretty bad roads. My intermediate steering shaft has a slight bit of play at the mid point joint and its bugging the crap out of me. Ive decided to change it - Mopar parts overstock.com has one and it looks like its the same piece from 2003 t0 2015...
Got it for you. t56 tranny GL4 chrysler spec MS - 9070. Use the Amsoil Manual Transmission and Gear Lube 75W90. I checked with my buddy at Dodge and he gave me the Dodge Specs. If you read the details of this oil on the Amsoil sight, you scroll down and the specs as well as the part no.s...
If we could Bill, I'd like to discuss back pressure. My view has always been , for these types of engines anyway, that back pressure is not a good thing. I think the rational for those for back pressure is that it keeps the new intake charge, well part of it, from being sucked out of the...
Hi guys. I'm planning a trip to Ottawa in August and would like to meet up with some Viper Owners while I'm in town. Do you guys get together during the week at all or on the weekends?
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