Leaking coolant towards back of engine on my gen 1. I see coolant between the runners looking down from the top. What’s back there? Thermostat and some cooling lines? Any tips before I start taking apart the intake manifold?
Thanks in advance
Here’s a used left side one:
Just an update on this. One of the inner tie rods was toast. Bellows was torn, gunk what looked like metal shavings mixed with grease and dirt was all over ball, and tons of play. Not so much the other side but replaced anyways of course. Took it to Viper shop for alignment. Everything all good...
Thanks all. I’ve ordered the inner tie rods and will be looking to get those endlink boots replaced. And of course the wheel alignment. Will post back on results.
My Gen 1 that I’ve owned for 3 years has always been sketchy driving on the freeway. Seems to do okay on surface streets. It’s hard to describe other than it seems like the car wants to track with the ruts on the freeway and the steering wheel feels damped and vague (not connected). I’ve got...
Looking for:
Edelbrock headers
Radio bezel
Door bezel surround, drivers side
Stanchion back cover, large hole, drivers side
Hood grills, both
65mm Accufab throttle bodies
Seat lowering kit
Headlights :)
Granger73, I ended up buying the Gen 2 hardtop. It installed fine and mated up with Vipermania windows really well. Not a rainproof seal to the windows by any means, but certainly no worse than the windows and soft top seal.
Hi. Will this fit my 95 without modification?
It sounds like 92-93s would need different pins but I should be okay with my...
I have a pair of Vipermania windows with some light scratches. Nothing fingernail deep. Any recommendations on what to polish them with? I believe their material is lexan and they are tinted from the factory. Is hand polishing okay? Or is orbital recommended? Thanks.
Thanks Bonkers. I sent an email to Rick regarding the 40mm upgrade.
About the steering, againn my choice of words was poor. The power steering hose assembly is 3rd party like something out of autozone. Tech said to replace it with an OEM unit since not expensive. Thanks for info on roes cap...
Bonkers I think I’m just not used to non abs brakes and I shouldn’t be saying the braking is weak. It’s more like I don’t like the feel. The pedal is very heavy and the actual pedal travel is shorter than what I’m used to. It feels like it’s 2” of travel. It takes some effort but the braking...
Just wanted to follow up my OP. A viper tech inspected my car yesterday and overall the car is in good shape.
My oil pan is seeping at the gasket. I can take care of that myself.
The power steering hose assembly is aftermarket. The tech recommended I use the factory assembly which I can take...
Does anyone know where I can source the metal clipping tabs for the bezel? These are the blade-like tabs that mount to the back of the bezel so that it can attach to the console. As best as I can tell, I have to purchase the whole bezel if I want these clips. I'm wondering if these tabs can...
Thanks Bonkers! Actually, this is a lot of help.
I do plan on doing some of the smaller to medium size jobs myself but I do want to have a local Viper shop go through an inspection to give me a baseline. I will report back with my findings.
I love the car. It’s so raw and crude and yet puts...
I purchased a 95 Gen 1 with 46k miles and it didn’t come with the owners manual. I will be ordering both the owners and service manual.
I have lots of questions but I don’t want to bombard the forum with my noob posts too much. Here’s a few:
1. The car came with a key fob. It seems to arm...
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