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  1. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    Viper manuals arrived in the post today (excited to own a set!) Had a look for info on the VIN and it only shows the windscreen one. Attached the page here for reference for future info hunters. Shows the: VECI - Vehicle Emission Control Information VIN - Vehicle Information Number VCL -...
  2. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    BINGO! Thanks to everyone here that tried to help and particularly @Steve-Indy and Brian Jones who point me in the right direction. For others that are looking in the future: 2005 Viper GEN 3 VIN locations. Windscreen: Under the centre console: (Right hand side upper frame rail)...
  3. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    That's a good help to know that I'm not looking for a "VIN Plate" as shown in Viper Registry pictures. Are the Viper Registry pictures the correct location for a Gen3 Viper? (or are they just Gen1/2 locations?)
  4. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    @BadAzp Thanks for posting the picture, that's what I've been hoping/expecting to find. Every car I've owned has had one of them on it (regardless of country of manufacture). Sadly, I can't find anything like that on the Viper. It does have the import plate, maybe that replaces the left hand...
  5. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    @MoparMap - Engine having a VIN is bizarre to me, I can't think of any car I've ever owned that had that. Near the bell housing is where the Viper Registry picture said but as you can see from my picture, I can't get anywhere near that because of the RHD conversion without dropping the engine...
  6. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    I've taken some (rough) pictures of where the Viper Registry says I should find VIN plates. Picture right hand front: I can't see anything, I can't get at anything, I don't know where to look! Rear of the engine, right hand side: Can't get anywhere near the block as the brake booster...
  7. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    A second location. The registration inspector needs to take a photo of a second VIN when he inspects it and if I can't tell him where to find it he'll charge me $120/hr to look for it. They used to only need one, new requirements are two.
  8. ayjayef

    VIN - another "where is it?" thread.

    Sorry to rehash something that's been discussed on here many times but I'm struggling. ...and yes, I've read tons of posts (mostly for the rt/10) that didn't help me find them. GEN 3 - 2005 Found the windshield VIN - easy. Need to find another for registration here in Victoria (Australia)...
  9. ayjayef

    2005 Wiper arm - change?

    Yes, I've bought a new set of stock ones and will try and replace the rubber on the old ones as @ViperDad mentioned in this post. I'm heading to a local auto store at lunchtime to see if I can find the right width and something with a nice flat back. I'm yet to see how easy it is to remove the...
  10. ayjayef

    2005 Wiper arm - change?

    That's a neat idea I wouldn't have thought of.
  11. ayjayef

    2005 Wiper arm - change?

    Hi all! Great forum and my first post (possibly first of many). I bought a 2005 Viper two days ago and it needs wiper blades. Read a great thread here on Wiper blades and have just ordered a pair from Rockauto and will also attempt a super glue on the old set (neat idea). I'm in Australia so...

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