
  1. M

    At running temp, car acts like its in neutral, in any gear including reverse

    Two years ago, I had the engine fully rebuilt including a new clutch. I got the car back, engine ran great, shifted smoothly, all good...heard grinding from the rear. Pumpkin was bone dry, and the gears were shredded. So I swapped out the diff with a wavetrac and put in new, 3.55 gears. The car...
  2. Steve M

    Viper Dana Super 44 Rebuild (How-to) - Gen 3/4/5 (2003-2017)

    Introduction The 2-3 people that follow me on Instagram (@sidepipedsnake) have figured out that I’ve been busy lately rebuilding the differential in my ’08 Viper. There is nothing new about what I’m doing – as a matter of fact, Viper owner Bryan Cowger (a.k.a. @cowger) did exactly what I set out...